Failing because of changes

Some of these people are unaware of the looking for group and world chats. Withoit those the servers do feel less alive.

Be outraged that my brother took the Raisin Bran bag out of the box and didnā€™t tell me. I spent five minutes looking for it!

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Sometimes changes have to be made to preserve that experience based on the number of people play and the way they play. Understand this.

sure and now wow tokens are on the table for changes

Donā€™t try to act like itā€™s all or nothing. Some changes will have to be made to preserve the game. I donā€™t agree with tokens either. But that doesnā€™t mean that any/all changes are bad. Stop living in a box.

that is an outrage!

You realize CRZ doesnā€™t exist in classic right?

Fixed for you.

(I think op is referring to BGs but not sure!)

I can see the tokens as good and bad. Its good to have the option to do this. But its bad because it promotes the sweaty poopsock playstyle which is not healthy for the game or the player.

Thatā€™s not CRZ. CRZ came is MoP pre-patch and is not in classic. Idk if he means cross realm BGā€™s, but what he said is wrong


with that mentality they should jist introduce classic+ and sell us pretty flying mounts because its what we want.

Iā€™m not sure I see how classic is failing? If we compare classic servers to retail ones, there seems to be more players in cities in classic, not to mention more people talking to each other and helping, it might not be perfectā€¦but itā€™s core design is still there, holding the interest of thousands. Not to mention very few complaints outside of AV and tokens.

Dang man I was having fun til you mentioned how GUARDS WERE CHANGED
Now itā€™s ruined and Iā€™m unsubbed!!!


100% sure you are just looking for an excuse to quit. You are on a low population server, that has had its population dwindle because people do not like being on low population servers. They ether rerolled, server transferred to a more populated server, or possibly quit.

Gagetzan was never a ā€œpvp hotspotā€ it occasionally has people ganking AFK people and some people trying to kill them, but most people just avoid it because it has never been a good place to fight.

PVP hotspots are places such as the pass between the Badlands and Searing Gorge, the gates of Blackrock Mountain, the path between Camp Mojache and Dire Maul, the path between Lights Hope and Strathholme. Nearly anywhere in Winterspring, including everlook, or any other herb, mining, or consumable/resource farming area.

I have never seen Gagetzan be a PVP hotspot for any length of time.

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And somehow they didnā€™t realize how big it would be further convincing me they lie when they say they listen to us.

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Except, no one needs an excuse. /shrug

If they donā€™t like the direction things are going, itā€™s okay for them to say so.

You do not understand how humans work do you? You are saying something that is true, however does not actually play out in the real world. People make up their minds to quit, then take days, weeks, or sometimes months to actually quit, trying to find every little excuse they can to justify to themselves why they are quitting.

This happens all the time, jobs, games, groups they belong to, they spread toxicity before they go, instead of just quitting they nit pick every tiny thing and try and tell everyone about it, in attempt to get others to quit also, so they feel better about their decision.

While this may be true to some degree, I wouldnā€™t apply such a motivation to everyone. From my experience, I see many players posting these things with the hope that things will get better so they donā€™t feel like they have to quit (and Iā€™m sure there are other reasons as well).

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Having read their OP and their responses, I cannot come to that conclusion, he brought up a thing that was irrelevant to 99.9% of players, the gagetzan guards, then went on to add new things after people dismantled his complaints. That is why I made the post I did. This isnā€™t a ā€œblizzard please fix thisā€ or catharsis post, it is a ā€œIā€™m quitting please support my decision, and get outraged like me over a non-factorā€

Why is everyone attacking the poster instead of discussing the topic. Are we in the business of psychology in the forums? Agree, disagree, discuss, or just read, but personal attacks are so dang bad in these forums. Absolute trash.

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