Failing because of changes

even small changes can have a huge impact Understand?


So, layering/larger servers and cross-realm were decided ahead of time in order to give the game a chance at longevity. They’ve been quite forthright about what they’re doing, and why they’re doing it.

I’ve seen a lot of these posts. None have really identify any changes that were intentionally made that didn’t involve fixing bugs or exploits.

We’ve seen no “class balancing,” or retuning of any content in any way that hasn’t been in the spirit of how things probably were 15 years ago.

Blizzard’s been doing a great job giving us a faithful reproduction of the original WoW.


What did they do with the city guards?

Yeah, no.

How is the guard change having a huge impact on you?
How are the “mega servers” having a huge impact on you, on your Vanilla pop server?

You’re just looking for an excuse to quit. It could be that BWL was too hard for you, or maybe you’re not enjoying the game as much as you thought you would.

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in gadgetzan they messed with how the guards work and it killed it as a pvp hotspot

Oh wow, you’re upset that you can’t grief while bugging out the guards?


im upset at the larger issue of dumb changes are killing the game all together i dont grief but as a look and servers feeling more empty and less active by the day
after silly changes are made i do get upset

Do you see the contradiction here?


so considering the changes are what lead to the problem in the first place i see no contradiction

One moment you’re saying the servers are overpopulated.
The next you’re saying they’re feeling empty.

That’s the contradiction.

This isn’t the joke about looking something up in a dictionary, this is actually true, this is a textbook example of arguing from ignorance.

Are you aware time exists?


well what i meant at game launch servers were over populated so i see that as a mistake on allowing that in the first place

What should they have done? Released 5x as many servers?

We’d have 130 dead servers right now. Everyone congregates on the most populated servers, it would be no different with even more of them.

I honestly thing classic would have been a more interesting experience if they took the Everquest Project 1999 Green approach, and time gated patches as they occured in original vanilla history


Some things have to change to get anything close to a past experience. Half the stuff people are complaining about on the forums now would have been patched out within a week by 2005 Blizzard if they became commonplace and broke the game back then. The same thing always happens with these old MMO reboots. Something that was .5% of the game with a few million subs suddenly becomes hugely noticeable 20 years later when metagamers make up a much bigger proportion of players.

Take PvP for example. Players afking out after x objectives, pre-made pug stomps, exploits, bots, massive faction imbalance with broken queue times, while possibly present in tiny pockets in 2005, were not the norm for the vast majority of players. Most customrs would not have stuck around for that then, and they won’t stick around for it now either. Some things that weren’t broken in Classic but are broken now need changing, or it’s not a classic experience.

Imagine if one person figured out a way to solo BWL through clever use of intended game mechanics back in 2005 but never told anyone, so Blizzard never changed it. Then, in 2019 he made a YouTube video, and 90% of people playing in Classic decided to do it. Should it be left in the game because of the no changes mantra? Blizzard really handicapped themselves with that policy. Their mantra should have been “make it a Classic experience” rather than “no changes” if they wanted the best experience and therefore the most subs for the longest time.

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players are behaving differently. player-driven changes are much worse for the game health than anything Blizzard does.

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Maybe, but that is totally impossible.

Every player had a different “experience” playing Vanilla. Yours was not like mine. A game company can’t restore ANY of those personal experiences. They can’t even try.

Why? Because they cannot make ME who I was in 2005. They can’t make the other players on my server act like they acted in 2005.

All Blizzard can do is give us the 2005 GAME, not our 2005 personal EXPERIENCES while playing.

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People say this, and i kind of wonder if it is just what they want to see.

Someone posted something like this, and i wish i could remember the name, and they were from MY realm.
It was 3am and LFG channel and trade were still going, and we are a lower pop east coast realm that was never known for it’s late night weekday crowd, and there are way more night owls now than when i started playing.

And yet the person said it was dying and empty, as i sit in IF and watch a late night MC run forming.

Maybe the rest of us are invisible to them/you?

We expected that, tourism, curiosity.
That is why layering was used, so that when this subsided, they did not have to go around merging realms left and right and messing up communities.

That is how things went in 2005.
If someone found some nifty exploit, they did not share, and tended to make use a rarity so as to not be discovered.

In 2020, it goes out on live stream and 9000 people are spamming it 10 minutes later where you can not help but notice it.
Different mentality i guess?

Oh but if only, i would pay a double sub even.

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This is a period .