Can not log in to TBC Classic server. I tried entering log in info as well as log in from launcher but can not log onto server. Everything worked when I went to bed. Help screen directs to a page saying it is a problem at your end.
There is Battle Net maintenance currently happening. It is due to end at 12 pm Pacific time.
As they said on the @BlizzardCS Twitter:
Ok my log in screens says Tuesday, March 29 for maintenance.
Did you look at the launcher? That yellow triangle is where the notice is located. That is where they alert us to Battle Net maintenance.
Tuesday is for the WoW specific game maintenance. There is an overall maintenance happening right now which includes authentication services and other backend services.
To be honest, there is so much spam on the launcher I don’t even notice what is on there now. I did find it, one white bar over the “buy this” spam, although it did expand when I moused over. Usually I just figure they are trying to peddle new in game pokemons. Thanks for replies.
but my tower daily
So two good chunks of days with no login.
Adding game time or nah?
cant log in, read this page, I figured.
back to my sleep
The Monday maintenance message WAS NOT there two hours ago when I first logged in. How hard is it for a multi-billion-dollar company to properly announce things? Small indie company…
The maintenance schedule was posted Saturday at 12:00pm (PDT). We published the schedule on the support website, Twitter, and within the Blizzard launcher.
When logging into the Blizzard launcher you would see the message:
We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Monday, March 28th at 06:00 (PDT). During this time, you may encounter slow or failed logins and be unable to complete purchases in-game and through the Shop. We expect the service to be fully available again at approximately 12:00 (PDT).
If you missed it during login (or if you were already logged in) then it would also have been visible as a Yellow Alert icon in the top right corner of the launcher next to your BattleTag ( ).
It was not posted into the WOW specific sections of the launcher because it was not a WOW specific maintenance. It’s an overall maintenance affecting all Blizzard games.
However, this morning we saw some players confused about this maintenance and so we posted a message directly into the WOW specific sections of the launcher as well.
Maintenance is part of what we pay for and down times are expected. The cost of our Sub assumes there will be down time for Maints and already discounts that. If those down times are excessive Blizz has credited game time in the past. That tends to be when the game is down for over a day at a time.
It used to be down for 12 hours or more a week back in Vanilla and BC, and that was just Tuesday. Other down times were common. These days we have many weeks with an hour or less, so I would say we get more value for our money these days, esp with inflation - given the sub price has not changed in 17 years.
Nobody likes down time to fix things or roll out upgrades, but it is better than a game that does not work.
Then why not do this in the middle of the night when less people are affected? This is also not technically part of the game because people are playing it just fine. This has to do with login servers and not the game specifically. Also, why was this not announced days before so that we could have logged in a been able to play before this happened?
Contrary to popular American opinion, there are other countries out there with more people playing. Just because it may be more convenient for us doesn’t mean that it is for the whole of the playerbase. Just like with the Tuesday maintenance, it was long ago decided as that date and time would impact the least amount of players as well as allow for the staff there to do the work.
No matter when they do it, people will be inconvenienced, but this is the best time to impact the fewest.
So Americans, who make up the largest base, have to suffer for all of these outages while you get to play at YOUR convenience? I can only play during the day and I am losing an entire day for YOU. And then again tomorrow it is our time, not yours that gets affected!
Most Americans are at work or school during the scheduled Maint hours which is why they were chosen, esp morning.
Someone will always be impacted, but that is the nature of life. It impacts the fewest globally to do it during weekday mornings. Don’t forget that Australia is part of the America’s Maint schedule.
Dude, I am American. East Coast. There are times when it is an inconvenience, but such is life. I’m an adult, I find other things to do with my time.
May want to fact yourself.
The maintenance does not affect everyone. I just played for almost an hour with no issues, but it could have not allowed me to log in just like those affected. If it doesn’t allow you in, try again in a little while.
Most folks should be able to get back in now. Maintenance is wrapping up, but it seems that the impact to WoW logins has ended.