Failed character transfer

And a corrupted UI can hide mail from other players or the AH weve seen it time and time again when a player say they have no mail and they do a full reset boom you got mail.

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I suppose that’s the logical step, however there is no evidence it’s customer side. It’s not mail and it’s not auctions 100%. At this point I’ll wait for their reply, but those never seem to go anywhere. It’s seldom worth even trying to get full resolution in my experience. Thanks for the replies.

Also, that would get caught during the transaction process and not be allowed to take place, THEN it would make sense to do a UI reset to clear because clearly then it would be customer side.

Fair, I guess I can’t expect any remedy. The in-game support is just so severely lacking and I’m exhausted with terrible replies where they don’t even read the ticket. hagd

A default UI is more than 5-10 minutes rebuild. I have raid soon and it’s not feasible atm, and there’s no real evidence of anything being corrupted when non of my other toons have issues.

Sorry for taking your time, I expected something different for a discussion.

UI issues can be very character specific. If you just rename the folders instead of deleting them, then you can restore them quickly.

I’ve had many UI issues that affected one character but not others.

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GL with ur ticket.

Like I mentioned, IF there is mail, the client side would error out and not allow the transfer to move forward to payment. The transfer was valid and there was/is no mail or auctions pending before OR after transaction. There obv was an error but unrelated to the reason given.

I predicted your reply :slight_smile: And I recognize this isn’t the venue for what I intended.

Thank you. Sincerely, my bad at not recognizing wrong forum.

OP, have you recently done any quests in Eastern Plaguelands on that character? Certain quests that do send mail will not send the mail for 24-72 hours after completing the quests.

This isnt classic retail wow.

Proof that real live humans respond to tickets, and humans can make mistakes. Once you get your ticket answered and the issue resolved, then the best possible thing you can do is to answer the survey that comes once a ticket is solved/closed. That is the best place you can provide your feedback and voice your concerns in how your original ticket was answered.

I do wish you luck in getting everything cleared up and resolved.

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Not suggesting this is something that happened, but theres a few cases on the forums where someone has initiated a transfer then mailed their toons gold or items while the transfer is in process, and that throws a spanner in the works. There was also a mail issue last week where the mail system was spitting out return mails from the AH either for lost mail/timed out mail or something else.
So its possible there was some catch up with that.
The GM’s arnt perfect, they are still human. A template response isnt a bot response. Once a transaction has errored for any reason all they really can do is refund it. Not sure what other resolution your wanting. You can reopen the ticket for clarification, and its entirely possible they sent the wrong template or just hey might even be new and dont know better.

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Well, I see where this was cancelled.

This isn’t the easiest one to track down. Not trying to deflect, but you have 4 licenses and many characters with very similar names. I do apologize if we looked at the wrong one.

While I see no mails on that character now, there recently was an issue where old lost mails were restored. It easily could have been timing where those came in and interrupted the transfer while it was trying to process. As others have mentioned, there are also some quests which produce mail but is invisible to the player for 2 or 3 days. I wouldn’t think that a likely candidate in this case, but it does happen with some frequency.

Whether you had mail then - be it through the glitch or otherwise, I cannot determine once it is gone. As others have pointed out, it is possible that mail is sent in the window between when a transfer is started, and it processes. You are correct that if it exists at the time of initiation, it wouldn’t be allowed.

Looks like another transfer has been initiated, hopefully that one will go through smoothly.