Faerlina Full at 2:30 PM, Sigh



The person that I was replying to said layers add to the population cap, so i was explaining that is not how layers work.

Just because this game is from 2004, doesn’t mean we’re still in 2004 technology wise. Who the hell still uses physical servers anymore? Everything is based on cloud computing these days.

Anyone who works in the IT industry could tell you this.

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They go hand in hand btw. Increase in population cap = increase in layers.


Really? So when Ion talks in this post-launch interview specifically about starting zones, questing and how untenable life would be if layers weren’t around…he’s not actually talking about those things? He’s just being an argumentative edge-lord, right?

Edit: this wasn’t a post-launch interview; it was only published post-launch.


If the server population cap remains the same, why do the queues explode when they turn off layering?

Is it possible that they also reduce the server population cap when they remove layers? Maybe there’s some sort of connection between the two?


It’s almost like they warned you about this before the game even went live. You made your bed. Now you can lay down and cry in it.

If you’re not moving stop complaining. I’m so sick of these entitled people complaining about queues but REFUSE to move. They gave us character migration. Either use it or please shut your mouth. You have an option you entitled freakin baby


People on this board are jealous of Faerlina and Herod players you will get no sympathy here. Log on to Herod in about an hour and whisper me and I will teach you how to beat this raid boss.

I guess so. Your god, ion, is fallible.

But I, personally, would say that’s your projection of yourself.

You can’t win. The people that think layers are not related to server caps are the flat earthers of WoW.

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Lol. That’s totally it

Can you imagine how screwed up it would be to see 30,000 people on a single layer bEcAuSe ThE tWo ArE nOt CoNnEcTeD

uhh… You can rent dedicated EC2 instances from AWS. it’s expensive but you pay a premium for it usually.

And when you rent a regular EC2 instance today, they just provide you with a dashboard interface to let you SSH into your server to install your stuff. It’s barely any different from 2004 aside from the annoying part where you need to buy a static IP address from your ISP.

That’s exactly right, the plan is to lower realm population caps to more manageable sizes for phase 2, so when phase 2 hits, queues are probably going to explode for servers like Faerlina or Herod unless a LOT of people leave.

When people say layers are being removed thus lowering the server pop cap this is what they are referring to.

  • Blizzard increased the maximum server pop caps.

  • This is seen as additional layers.

  • When they lower the cap they are removing layers.

  • This is why players are seeing the layers they are in become more populated (because there are now less layers).


Those “cloud computers” are still physical servers sitting on a rack in a data center. They just aren’t owned by whoever is leasing them.

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Time is different where you are in the globe. Thats why we have time zones. Just because its 2 pm your time does not mean that there are other people, who arent in your time zone, who are trying to play as well.

You are also welcome at any point to transfer servers and avoid this “problem”

It really isn’t though, So “What If” 1,000 people took the free server transfer then 1,000 more people made characters in their place. It honestly fixed nothing!

Your common answer is so negligent to the problems.

transfers closed?

That’s true, but the important distinction to make here is that the maintenance of physical infrastructure is now offloaded to the third party, which makes it far easier to expand your processing requirements as needed, without first having to purchase more hardware (or in extreme cases, real estate).