Faerin should be removed

Are you serious?

Faerin is literally in like every major game right now. She’s in league of legends, she’s in overwatch, she’s in valorant.

Literal a token character my dude.

Don’t let him know how Metzen got hired.


That fanfic storyteller ruined this game.

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You are so damn clueless.

No, I’m not saying some racism is ok. Stop being so damn extreme. I’m saying its not a huge widespread problem. Of course it exists, it’s always going to where people are involved.

And the reason people like you create division is because you look for racism in everything and so you see it in everything. Then you start screaming racism and accusing people of some bs they never intended. It’s not that difficult to understand. It’s typical sjw identity politics and it creates a ton of hate from both sides.

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They do hire based off merit.

Unless you think they’re just handing out jobs to people who have zero experience in game development? Is that what you think is happening?

I’m quite observant, actually. My job calls for me to be more observant than most, in fact.

I’m just capable of recognizing what is and isn’t worth fretting over, and someone’s hairstyle is definitely not one of them lol


Which character?

In the times of yore, before the internet?

Who knows.

It’s been the measure of every internet community based on a piece of media forever. It’s like a rule of the internet, the more fan art there is of a character, the more fans there are of said character. :dracthyr_shrug:


10 char/

??? HUH?

Fan art to me is just thirsty people being weird.

Not a genuine metric of audience enjoyment.

Hang on… all those games have an african American character.

Oh i see what your issue is. Disgusting. 2024 and this behavior is still a thing.


That’s the issue. People view it as being accepting of a certain degree of it but the reality is that you can either live your life above it or you can agonize and torture yourself over it.

But you aren’t ever going to get rid of it all.

People think they can change human nature with top-down corporate push and it’s not going to happen.

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Boy thought he was onto something didn’t he🤣

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What is her fault? That shes too likable?

That she doesn’t follow the “Code” yet its not ever been a problem with a highly rigid stuctured society weve been present with by the Hallowfall Arathi.

But shes still hailed as one of their best by everyone. Even characters who don’t fully believe her still admit its because of them.

Who does this? The Lannisters thought Ned was full of it because they never could conceive of someone being so Noble without dirt on them.

The fact that you just met her and shes asking you to arm her like you are her squire.

This just doesnt fit. Were “Champions” not an errand boy. Its a bad way to signal we are supposed to look up to this character. But why am I? What have they shown us that would make us have that type of reverance for her?

Other than NPCs telling us what awesome things shes done.

Show don’t tell.

And then the whole denying the prosthetic. You can say many people in real life do this but you have a character, who has been characterized as selfless, turning down a chance to be a leader and make things better for other disabled people.

Instead she decides its not good enough for her but good enough for the other veterans like her.

Apparently but now it’s obvious.

Yes. Literally the same character design my dude.

It’s a meme at this point that they keep putting this token character in every hero shooter/rpg.

she doesnt need a make over just because a bunch of greasy nerds are offended that she wasnt made to be attractive to them, specifically


So you see all african american folks the same? That’s messed up.