Says one of the most unhinged, racist and anti woman people I’ve seen in awhile on the fourms.
That’s substantially less cynical a reason than what I’ve read in the past!
I mean she fits together thematically. Short, cropped hair. Missing an eye and arm. Heavily armored. Not traditionally feminine. This is someone who is a soldier first and foremost, she’s not supposed to be pretty. She’s supposed to be cool.
you forgot face of a man
in game she doesnt have a face of a man
It shows the lengths they’ll go to to pander to a non-existent player demographic in order to virtue signal. Exactly the same thing they will do when introducing a “diverse” character.
Anti-woman, huh? Internalized misogyny, too?
Oh, yes, I’m sure it’s the Sunwell. It’s just coincidence that the Sunwell wanted to give us brown skin tones, make us shorter, reduce our ears, make us more… humanlike. I’m sure the millennia of cooperation between elven and human nations had nothing to do with it.
Never mind that the Sunwell was just a leftover bit of water from the Well of Eternity, which wanted the night elves to look like… well, like they do now pretty much.
(She’s not cool, either.)
Oh, are you just jealous they aren’t pandering to your sad flailing little demographic instead?
Pretty sure I’m not the person trying to tear down a woman for her looks, might wanna actually learn the difference.
Guarantee she’ll hook up with another female and spend most of the expansion whining about her feelings.
She’ll get the Kathleen Kennedy treatment.
She’s missing an arm.
She’s missing an eye.
So she has no depth perception, and can only hold a weapon in one hand. Which immediately makes her a massive liability for anyone she’s with in a combat situation.
She’s not ‘cool’ she’s unbelievable.
She’s got one arm, how is she planning on fighting anything?
To be fair she replaced her missing arm with a shield.
It looks like its taped onto her side, how’s she planning on blocking anything with it?
First it was “stop adding realism into my fantasy.”
Now its “this isn’t realistic enough, youre ruining my fantasy.”
The same way every paladin with a sword and shield does?
I mean she’s not the first one eyed melee fighter. Look at Lor’themar.
I mean that’s just entirely subjective! Everyone has a different definition of cool.
I’m not demanding to be pandered to. I’m asking that companies actually focus on making a good game and not phony virtue signaling to people that don’t care about video games in the first place. They are triggered by the notion of men enjoying a hobby and thus it must be destroyed.
Don’t know, Zul’jin wiped me back in the day at least a couple times so having one arm isn’t really a detriment that can’t be overcome with any number of explanations (except shapeshifting since I doubt she does that)
I think it’s locked into her shoulder. I think she can wiggle it around.
It’s probably more effective than how human male characters hold their shield, anyway.