Faction Unbalance solution,. easy fix

I know I fun around, RP and tease a bit in the forums, But this is completely serious and thought out solution, hear me out…

Not all but some servers are yes in fact unbalanced. for both Horde and Alliance.
The unbalanced servers are the fault of Factions abandoning their brethren and going to other servers, Blizz not catching this in time & Retail players making characters on pvp servers after ignoring all the warnings. etc.

Now how can Blizz fix this and save face, do a reset of sorts without screwing the game up, here’s how…

Have the Alliance and Horde all vote (and all must vote) yay or nah to a truce on their next log in.
upon the Truce.

  1. All pvp is disabled for 2 weeks while Factions level, gather resources, regroup, etc.

  2. During that 2 weeks free faction changes, free server changes (balance only allowed) with an incentive $500 gold per man that does this even more $ for Guilds… (people wont do it without an incentive).

  3. Free server transfers for the customers that want to go to PVE servers.

  4. At the end of the 2 weeks, & phase 2 is re-launched.

Any feed back?

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At least you gave some ideas. I don’t think they are the best ideas, but you have given us more than Blizzard has at the moment.


thank you,. help me keep this to the top,… with feedback

Your ideas are interesting, but really they just need faction queues with the current faction restricted transfer system.

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Faction queueing and lowering online server population to a vanilla level is the only way.

Right now I can’t spit without hitting another player. This is not vanilla-like. It wasn’t uncommon to go hours without seeing another player in Vanilla out in the open world in more remote regions. Now there are people everywhere. Just simply too many people online at the same time.


I don’t think it can be fixed honestly. I suspect they are moving towards faction queues for over populated factions as they have realised that letting the under populated faction transfer out is exacerbating the problem.

How can we know with their over abundance of communication?

I have this weird rash… I need help I think.

Truly blizzard are a wealth of information. I actually feel terrible for Alliance that want to transfer off 20/80 Horde realms and are being held hostage by blizzard. Those realms are f’d and are going to die by AQ no matter what.

Blizzard is probably in wait and see mode, hoping the problem will just magically resolve itself.

They rushed out Phase 2 without any consideration for the levelers on significantly imbalanced PvP realms. Blizzard also added restrictions to free transfers to trap levelers on those servers and use them as HK fodder.


I got you my horde brethren,. Healing potion coming your way.

Bow before the Mighty Horde Empire you Alliance peasants!

i love all of these undead players with their easy fixes

Thank you,.

see we do more than just burn & pillage your towns and villages enslave your women and children & collect tears.

Now bow before the Mighty Horde Empire you filthy Alliance peasants.

That is what happened to me on Arugal. 52 ally rogue and all i see are groups of horde running around killing people questing. Just unsubbed. They only give one choice for transfer being Felstriker. Why not give us a choice of the US servers or other Oceanic servers?