Faction Transfers

Classic has evolved, the player base has evolved.
For the health, sustainability and viability of the game they need to open one way faction changes from Horde to Ally.

Q times for Bgs are atrocious and needs to be addressed.
Along with the imbalance of world pvp.


15 minutes is atrocious?



Absolutely not.

Re-roll alliance.


Why would any Horde switch though?

What reason would they have?

I first rolled alliance and got to 35 on day 1, the server i wanted to play on from then on had queues for a solid month and i couldn’t get back on to play so i rerolled alliance on yojamba, then my friends went hey it says you’re on yojamba but we can’t see where you are, are you horde?

then i found out all my friends are horde

so i joined my friends

i’d literally pay them to faction transfer if it existed.

actually better pvp racials, actually better pve racials, shorter pvp queues, the ability to actually have fun with my friends instead of sit around in 50 minute queues hoping to find some leveling players in the world in the meantime.

are alliance racials really better tho? i only see horde say this and then see alliance players argue the opposite. is there any consensus on the matter?


Humans can straight up see any stealther with catseyes and racial from a distance so ridiculous that there’s no point trying to hide and you may as well just attempt to engage before they catch you.
Dwarf have an incredibly powerful racial vs war/rogue/hunt and dwarf priests have fear ward, which is the main reason everybody seems to hate undead but it’s literally castable on anyone.
Gnomes can escape CC without spending 1g for a pot.
Night elves are useless but you can kind of do some cool stuff as a hunter with shadowmeld on av defense

Orc has the chance to resist a stun
Undead has the ability to break a fear / charm / sleep practically once a fight (the actual good racial horde has)
Troll racial is worthless in pve and pvp because by the time its useful you’re already dead
You can run out of the tauren stun racial.

I can understand where horde racials would play out better, but it’s not really in anything outside of a duel.

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Queue times only go up from here on out. 15 minutes is a long time.


You must understand how good it feels to see post like this after telling people for months that horde would have this problem. Remember BRM? Safe spotting every city? camping our boats 24/7?.. well… HA!


Horde racials are hands down better for PvP.

Alliance for PvE

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How would shaman/pallys transfer?

We use different gear and what about faction only items?

but… my epics… i need them :c

No faction Transfers but Server Transfers yes.

you are absolutely right, i wanna transfer my shaman into a pally fully geared

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Just delete all the shaman. Easy peasy.


i support this motion, just delete the class entirely but keep paladins cause they got cooler tier gear.

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That works!


would be nice but blizz is too lazy to do this

Not what regions some of you are on but the OCE community Q times are between 30mins to 1 hour Q’s.

I rolled horde because of all my friends did the same.
I know we would all pay for a F change in an instant if this was offered in game.

I would suspect that if a player wanted to play Alliance, they would have created an Alliance character, not a Horde.

What possible reason would they have for leaving their guilds and friends to play a race or faction they didn’t choose from the start?

I will admit that might be a point for Oceanic. I’ve had almost instant Alliance queues all day. Only this minute have I hit a queue time for Arugal.