Since there is the one PvP server for OCE, will the faction restriction be removed on it?
As it stands players will be forced onto the Normal realm, if they ever wish to roll the other faction. As someone who lives and dies by PvP realms this is really not good.
Each factions offers specialties the other does not, please don’t punish us for wanting to enjoy both.
Edited as I forgot the restriction doesn’t apply on Normal realms so this is a one-way issue for those of us who love the PvP realms. Or realm in this case.
This restriction doesn’t exist on PVE. No-one is forced onto PVP
Apologies I forgot that as I have never rolled on a non-PvP realm. Regardless, everyone on the PvP server (which will be the majority) will be forced onto a Normal realm if they wish to play the other faction.
It doesn’t exist in Retail, and was reintroduced .
What is your point here? The restriction was lifted many many many years ago and eventually server types were abolished and WM was introduced.
I doubt that will happen, but I foresee that the single PvP Oceanic realm will quickly become heavily populated by Alliance. Given that Frostmourne players will play there and the majority of them play Alliance. Plus, yknow, Paladins.
I guess they will assess the situation and if it seems required, create a second PvP server for those who want to play the other faction.
Right except due to the layering and the plan to abolish layers after p1 (and once the population lowers a bit I expect) there is no purpose to adding a second PvP server other than to overcome this issue.