Faction imbalance will destroy SoD unless solved now

trees scare the horde

They just need to cap character creation to no more than a 45/55 split. Maybe even less than that, these huge splits are plain stupid and ruin servers

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You are dooming over something that isn’t a problem, and then trying to create solutions for it. No one cares about faction imbalance at all. The only thing that has any effect toward is PvP. What does create problems is preventing you from playing the faction you want cause some rando on the forums had an idea, and now in his head, that is the only smart move.

The presumption here is that faction imbalance destroyed Era and SoM, which it most certainly did not. Furthermore, we don’t yet know the full scope what Blizzard plans for SoD in terms of expanding class mechanics. There may well be things coming that may address this. We also know that there may be faction specific runes which means it would be reasonable to expect there could be something to make Horde PvE more viable.


Conversely, its also hard to say if there will be an advantage state yet without actually seeing it. You’re assuming its astranaar vs splintertree. Why would it take place in areas with 55 guards at lvl 25? Its more likely raene’s outpost vs the lumberyard area with the battle taking inbetween those.

Every alliance toon will have horde alts on another account. Not only will they do this to keep their servers open the top guilds will require them to level and get a rend head for buffing purposes. There were always plenty of horde on Benediction even if they didn’t raid for this reason alone.

There are some posts, including from the OP who called this out correctly, and then there are those who had god-awful hot takes.

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Horde dominates ashenvale.

alliance generals don’t do a demo shout.
alliance doesn’t have 2 flight points

lets check that winrate on ashenvale since they got rid of the boss zerg

Lot of comments included the OP didnt age well so far. Faction balance is fine.

because they put the faction limitations in. the OP was written before they announced that :expressionless:

I just quit tbh, raiding as Alliance makes me wanna puke.

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You could post this in the SoD forums. This has nothing to do with Era

You nailed it. 100% to the “T” Everything you said I am living it right now 1/8/2024
It’s C A N C E R

You literally predicted exactly the experience I’m going through right now, and the exact train of thought I’m falling into.

WoW is not my main game, I played it when it first came out from Vanilla up unto TBC/WoTLK while playing other games and such.

Season of Discovery seemed like the potential of Blizzard pulling off what Jagex did with OSRS and actually take the game that was great and go forward with it as if it was developed from that state and mindset. It got me very excited again, rolled up my Horde character on Lonewolf and 
 (Loved the Runes, events, new BFD, I got trinket/etc) 
it’s plagued with constant Faction imbalance and Layering issues that make it completely unenjoyable to play at Ashenvale, WSG, or even World PvP.

In LoneWolf, the Alliance control the Stone Talon mountains and questing routes/turn ins, as well as dominate the routes around Ashenvale, win average 8/10 games for the event and have the favor of Premade vs Non in BGs (see that one guy’s video on stats about how he had a 36% win rate)

I feel that now too, that this is a losing cause and will be dead because why the Hell would I just stay around to be Fodder for Ally players to keep enjoying their sick, imbalanced, ill-gotten gains? And I would never roll Ally, because it’s obvious that the type of individual.
It’s done nothing but made me jaded towards the idea of a Fun, genuine good-feel vibes of Faction vs Faction pvp can bring.

@Blizzard; I know you could care less but this makes your game very unapproachable.
It’s gross. It isn’t fun. This reflection of the game and it’s environment shows a deep rooted issue with the type of people attracted to Alliance.

Anyway, this guy said
I’m living it
and I would rather just quit then ever re-roll Ally or stick around to be a punching-bag for Rep Farming and just a body to fill up events for these Allys.

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Pvp happened on a pvp server and u came here to cry and spread some bogus theory how alliance is making fake toons to fake faction balance. Chill out. P.S. i have a horde alt on ur server that dinged 25 last week, no packs of ally hunting in stonetalon any more than usual or more than there are horde in wetlands ganking alliance. And regarding ashenvale, ton of horde got the rep and stopped doing it so alliance has taken over a bit more.

I would rather be able to play with friend on the same faction than try and preserve the none-existent integrity of world pvp.

Faction imbalance hasn’t effected my enjoyment of the game at all, on either faction. I agree layering is annoying, but it’s a pretty minor thing.

WSG is garbage, but not for the reasons you listed.

World pvp to me has literally never been better in SoD. Because there are no level 60s to ruin it.