Faction imbalance will destroy SoD unless solved now

Well I predict the lopside will be in favor of alliance. If it ends up horde, the same problem persists. I think there is all the reason in the world to think it’s alliance, but in the end which faction gets the lopside is irrelevant. The incentive will be to roll on the biggest faction, thus making it an even bigger faction – this is moreso true of SoD because of the Ashenvale wpvp. This dynamic is a loop of feedback that can result in obscene lopsidedness. So a preventative measure should be put in place ahead of time. Such a situation would destroy SoD, so it should be avoided at all costs.

Did they mention racials during Blizzcon?

This is totaly incorrect

Alliance through and through, first and foremost are favored due to their race models

Secondly, paladins

Third, druids provide WF in sod

And we have no information regarding racials, in which fear ward is the superior in every way.

Alliance will still 100% be the more population. Min max pve players will all be alliance. And skimming thru multiple different discord groups, that seems to be the big talk - that there’s no reason to go horde. Which is of course false, horde is gonna still be good

If you care about q times, consider horde

I will actually be playing ally disc priest for once, since fun server and all

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everyone just going to ignore that Horde was more popular in classic 2019, and the only reason ALliance is popular in SoM/HC is simply cause streamers and “big classic” communties are pushing for alliance not horde.

it has nothing to do with paladins or racials.

It does tho

And most streamers are going to go alliance

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I play classic and ill be horde for the first time in SoD. With the paladin issue lessened through these new skills i cant wait to get my hands on a tanking shaman.

As of now, Horde don’t get salv or kings or might, but Alliance get windfury. Pallies will be the best tank and got buffed for PVE and PVP.

It’s gonna be a joke how dominant Alliance will be. Then, the few Horde that are left will reroll because the cap is just 25, causing further imbalance.

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I don’t think so. Kind of.

Horde will hold its weight in player for the sheer fact that people can now be the dps and tank shamans they’ve clamored for forever. The shaman tank actually looks insanely strong and faceroll.

Horde will have its players but won’t be dominating

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Reasons like this are why this is a much bigger issue than it ever has been in the past. Rerolling is quick and easy, and Astranaar is in the perfect spot to dominate Ashenvale. Not to mention streamers will also anticipate Alliance to be the big faction, so will roll Alliance, thus the trend will be even more for Alliance.

This really needs a failsafe because it could destroy SoD very quickly. WPVP is not tenable with huge imbalance, and huge imbalance is an even easier variable to create, given the circumstances around SoD.

The fail safe is literally lvl 25. It doesn’t even take a day to get to 25. People will have MULTIPLE toons on both factions. You also keep saying Ashenvale is perfect for alliance…its 2 MINUTES FROM OGRIMMAR. THE HORDE CAPITAL. The more you speak the less I think you even play this game.

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You’re only illustrating how easy it will be to switch over to the larger faction – which adds to the problem. Also, org being 2 minutes away grants no substantive advantage to world pvp in Ashenvale. It’s not like there is a starting timer where Alliance has to start in Ironforge or something.

Well they said more equipment slots will be getting more and more runes to be applied, with “greatest hits” abilities and brand new ones. Maybe horde will get something nice, maybe lel

Phase 2. Classic 2019. Never forget.

What advantage does Alliance have in Ashenvale? I’m genuinely curious.

I play both factions and enjoy both, but it has been a noticeable trend that, despite enjoying horde dominance ever since original TBC, horde mains have tried to gib any perceived alliance advantage before content goes live. In WOTLK-classic, Shadowlands, Seasonal servers. To the point people knew about castle nathria dwarf racial being nerfed and still have no clue about goblin rocket jump on kiljaeden or troll voodoo shuffle on jaina.

To address the point about windfury/blessings, the panel did say they were looking to balance factions without giving each faction the other’s class, and blessings seemed to be heavily suggested in this. I’ll be rolling horde again this time (2019 horde, era alliance) to try out the new shaman stuff.

I think the big thing you are missing is that shamans and warlocks can tank now, that should increase horde population.

I agree. Faction imbalance is gonna be terrible on SOD. Heavy favor in the Alliance. we’ll be coming back to this thread in about 2 months. AKA if youre a gamer Roll horde.

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The group mana regen runes on paladins is nutty unless changes before launch. Ally will be HEAVILY dominant

I think they need to be careful with giving Paly/Sham only abilities across factions. Just be very mindful on what abilities are in the spirit of Classic WoW. I’m super stoked for innovation and experimentation, but let’s reel things back if things get too homogenized please. Thank you!

As a whole, concerning pvp,the player base likes a uneven playing field.