Faction imbalance will destroy SoD unless solved now

SoD faction imbalance is going to be a big problem; more so than it ever has been before. Everyone will be alliance. It will be more lopsided than usual too. This is because of the Ashenvale pvp thing. In AV, at least the teams are limited in number. In open world pvp, there is no limit beyond layer limitations. Unless they somehow layer to equalize the number of player per faction in Ashenvale, it’s going to be something on the order of 10:1. It will just be alliance trying to spot a horde, then 5-6 of them chasing the horde down to try and get a tag in before he gets killed. This will lead to most horde rerolling alliance. There will be no point to playing horde.

They should really institute faction character creation limitations. Cut alliance character creation off until horde gets to be around the same number. Otherwise, SoD will be DoA. It will just be a bunch of alliance standing around Ashenvale alt tabbing to the forums to complain about this.

I’ve only ever rolled horde, but I will be going alliance for this if nothing is done to address this. I’m sure I’ll be far from alone in foreseeing what is going to happen.


I think you’re mistaken in thinking that Ally are going to be over populated. The only reason Alliance has ever been the most popular faction in classic is because of paladins. If horde can get salv and keep their OP pvp racials than horde will be the dominate faction.

I really think population has much more to do with streamers this day in age. Since so many people are so used to playing as alliance, they will continue to play alliance. Not to mention horde is more “masculinized” and “ugly”. This isn’t popular in gaming right now. The pretty faction is going to be more attractive. Which is going to lead streamers to understand it’s better to roll alliance. Thus most people will follow that and roll alliance, themselves.

Not to mention the fact that it’s been alliance lopsided for many years now, thus people will be concerned like I am, and it will be a self fulfilling “prophecy” that every goes alliance to avoid being on the sparsely populated faction for the open world pvp in Ashenvale. No one is going to want to risk that.

So everything points to Alliance still. They need to implement contingencies for this or SoD will be DoA.

You can ‘think’ all you want, but Alliance is only the more populated expansion in SOM and Hardcore because of Paladins. In every other reiteration of the game Horde is the dominate faction.

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The only reason I think it would be problematic for a little while is because of the location of the alliance base in ashenvale compared to the horde’s. Depending on what the pvp will be like they are centrally located and can cover ground quickly all over. This will be temporary regardless because of this is only critical in the 25 capped version. Who knows ashenvale pvp may die nice they raise the cap and have a new pvp zone?

Ahh here we go with the internet person thing. Have a normal dialogue like you would right in front of a person. We all know you’re a perfect gentlemen when you have to look people in the eye.

I offered reasoning beyond just arbitrary “thinking”. Care to address any of those reasons? It makes perfect sense that SoD will be extremely alliance heavy, and there’s no reason to not implement some kind of preventative measure before it kills the season.

Yes that’s another reason, I forgot. Astranaar is smack dab in the middle of the action. A great location to fight from. Horde can’t get around the middle of the map without dealing with it.

Blizzard really needs to put some kind of measure in place for character creation if a faction becomes to big. If one doesn’t have a concern that faction imbalance will be a problem, then putting such a measure in place won’t affect them.

You didn’t offer anything, but your opinion based on nothing. I gave you facts and you immediately attack my character.

Getting back to the actual topic here:

If you don’t think there will be a problematic faction imbalance, then you have no logical reason to stand against Blizzard implementing a faction limit if said balance gets out of hand. Standing against this makes no logical sense.

The mere creation of something to limit imbalance will insure people who are worried about this will roll horde without worry, thus create a better balance. The dynamic might never have to be used in the first place because of the piece of mind it creates.

Forcing people to play factions they don’t want to play is logical?

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imagine dooming about a game thats not even out yet because of abilities nobody knows yet in a pvp zone you havent seen yet that is active at lvl 25 in a game where max is 60 :clown_face: the type of mfs to write a letter to corporate when chipotle releases a new salsa


Your question doesn’t make any sense if what you said earlier is true. You said there won’t be any faction imbalance. Thus the dynamic fail safe I’m suggesting would never be activated. Yet you are now worried it would be activated. So which is it? Will faction imbalance be a problem or not?

Definitely not dooming. Just suggesting a potential blind spot for Blizzard to look at. If my variable are wrong, then they would know that and not do something unnecessary. If I’m right, then perhaps this will queue someone to look into the matter. No reason not to fix a big problem before it potentially turns into a season killer.

I literally said in my first post that horde will be the dominate faction.

look at the title of the thread lmfao

Oh, my bad. Great so you should be in favor of implementing a faction imbalance fail safe. Yet you aren’t. Why is that? Alliance players would just roll more horde to escape being cannon fodder in Ashenvale. Assuming there are no player caps in the zone.

Yeah maybe a bit provocative. MB. The content of the thread matters more tho. It’s a preventative measure to a potential problem. Yes SoD would be DoA if the variables I’m suggesting are true. If they aren’t, and layering caps players in Ashenvale per faction or something, then Blizzard has nothing to worry about.

Due to history with the company tho, I’m guessing they over looked this.

I don’t think there will be a faction balance issue but I also don’t have an issue with blizz imposing faction limits either.

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I thought horde had better racials for pvp in classic? As humans didn’t have that every man for himself yet? Or am I wrong

I’m not in favor of blizz forcing anything. In fact I’d rather blizz leave it alone. Most of the mega servers are imbalanced BECAUSE of blizzard.

Very sound position. There is no reason to stand against a fail safe of 90% one side vs 10% the other, etc. Especially since we know such a situation destroys world pvp – which appears to be a draw for SoD so needs to be cultivated correctly.

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classic 2019 was mostly horde, wrath is mostly horde.

it wasnt until hardcore or SOM that alliance became popular.

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They should add EMFH to SoD.