Faction Imbalance Due to Paladins

Shaman vs. Paladin doesn’t apply to just 1v1. Shaman rolls along in a BG, neuters the Paladin from afar with Purge, Shocks a Holy Light to lock out their only spell tree, and then lays down a totem at their feet to absorb whatever comes their way, all while being 20 yards away. Its infinitely harder for the Paladin to stomp that Grounding totem than it is for the Shaman to just hit purge on the Paladin.

Only way the Paladin, btw, is stomping that totem from any meaningful distance is with Holy Shock, or pro’d into Engineering. If they have neither, well, better hoof on over and manually stomp it.

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I agree. A shaman will stomp all over an AFK paladin.

Maybe the paladin should consider actually doing something, instead of just standing there and watching the shaman cast Purge 3-5 times. Who apparently can also Earth Shock a Holy Light cast, thanks to the paladin being totally oblivious to the concept of interrupts or juking, and tried to just hard-cast Holy Light while a shaman is mid-Purging them. Also, the paladin is so focused on healing their allies, but their allies are also AFK and doing nothing about the shaman or the shaman’s allies, since the shaman who’s using all their GCDs on Purge isn’t healing or doing any damage.

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I hope you brought a ladder to get off that horse.

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Yeah, anyone can create a hypothetical situation that favors their side of the argument. How about the Paladin has to hard cast cause the BoP he just used on himself to negate the rogue on him got purged and his warrior buddy is about to die to an enemy combatant and the Paladin used the little time he had left juking interrupts on baiting a failed kick, and doesn’t notice the Shaman 20 yards behind about to shock the next attempted holy light that has to go off. Blah blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.

In the above example I give, the Shaman doesn’t need to heal or do (big)damage. He just got two people killed using a single purge and a single Earth Shock (that does damage, but just only).

Of course neither your post, nor this one, has anything to do with the original debate.

That fact was precisely the point of my hyperbole, yes. I’m glad you got it.

Purge costs something like 150-160 mana (10% base)

r1 SoC costs… 65, 55 with benediction, 38 with the libram.

Seal and judge can be done in the same GCD.

Shamans can’t remove JoL/JoW.

Cleanse is cheaper than BoF and cannot be removed.

Judgement has a 10yd range, so does earthbind.

And the kicker, even if they manage to Earth shock a heal, the lockout is only 2 seconds, so just recast it immediately and they cannot hit the second even with the shock CD talents.

People who die from big crits aren’t any more dead than people who die to autoattack.

P.S. Wait til they release before running off.

Wind… fury!

Paladin VS Shaman

Stalemate. Debate over. /end thread.

It’s about skill and teamwork. The ones that have less of either will lose.

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Yup, if both are equal in numerous ways, its just an oom and RNG fest.

A true, “The immovable object” vs “the unstoppable force” scenario.

There is alot of things that is unfair, and some things in vanilla is better, but each class, race, or faction, have its pros and cons… thats what i like with classic, if you think paladin is so great, roll a paladin, but then you will loose other things…

Your post reeks of, i cant have it all and its not fair, yes its not fair, but that goes for everyone, everyone can pick and choose, and with that choise comes pros and cons…

I played both sides in Vanilla and man. I remember Allies b@#$%^@g about Shammies in chat (mostly druid players or paladins) and the reverse on Horde complaining about pallies.

Good times, good times. Paladins are monsters if played well in PvP and I think make raiding just a bit “easier” on the ally side. However they aren’t game breaking or faction imho.

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