We’ve done the Faction thing to death and back already.
We’ve been buddies for a long time now.
May as well embrace it at this point.
Still mad I can’t heal struggling Alliance out in the open world, despite hanging with Jaina and crew.
We’ve done the Faction thing to death and back already.
We’ve been buddies for a long time now.
May as well embrace it at this point.
Still mad I can’t heal struggling Alliance out in the open world, despite hanging with Jaina and crew.
Faction identity does not have to mean faction war. Because they are different the Alliance and Horde would handle things in a different way. It would be interesting to see how both factions help the new races. It would be fun to have content were we try and repair the communities in our faction. Being in this many wars and battles cannot have been good for the common people. Seeing that would make the world feel a bit more live in my opinion.
Bring back donating to a cause and then in the next patch we see the fruit of it. We don’t have to fight, working on our own faction can be a thing.
They did until the added Blood Elves to Horde and made Pally’s and Shaman non faction exclusive. Talk about Square Peg/Round Hole.
I’d prefer more Class specific content like we had in Legion.
Soon there will come the day when gnomes are ganked by giddy citizens of every city. And town. And the occasional hamlet.
I like Children of Azeroth more.
I hope to see the day when the people of Azeroth unite against the true threat. Smol people.
I hope this isn’t true, and I don’t want to be a fear monger, but I heard that Vulpera are just Gnome Furries.
EDIT: Nice outfit!
How small are we talking >.>
I typed it up in a word processor and highlighted the important parts in bold.
If you take care to preserve your remaining limbs you should be in the clear.
Okay, good.
goes in to cellar, looks at limbs gathered from the Dalaran crash site and whispers
I knew these pretties would come in handy.
Faction exclusive content definitely would be interesting! I would have more of a incentive to play a Alliance character. It would add variety! I miss when the game used to have more content that was faction and race exclusive! Please Blizzard make things feel unique again!
That’s… literally what ChatGPT is…?
Unique = exclusionary = bad. We must all be simply misunderstood blank slates that can be molded into a “proper” and united behavior, attitude, ideology, and goal.
Faction exclusive content would require effort. It’s clear that the developers have been doing the bare minimum since Battle for Azeroth, and judging by 11.1, they’re going to keep doing it until the end.
I guess Blizzard doesn’t want a happy playerbase
If factions are bad, they should delete the Alliance from the game. Problem solved.
The way things are going it’s the Horde that is slowly being deleted from the game all while people complain that faction specific content “marginalizes” one side or the other. The irony is thick.
Yea, because who would Race change for something silly as Stoneform, am I rite?
Nobody cares. Play classic if you want muh faction war.