With literally no good cannon justification for it.
But the game is about getting better and better gear to get into higher level content to get even better gear to get into even higher level content to get … you guessed it … more Gear
I R a Silly
Orcs are conquerors. Thats the cannon. They came to Azeroth looking to conquer. Made allies and brought destruction where ever they went. The Alliance are a bulwark against their villainy.
Thats the story and it worked. However, the Devs just failed to maintain faction balance.
Except they’re not.
The Burning Legion controlled Orcs were forced to conquer Azeroth.
You don’t even know the lore.
They were sent to Azeroth by the Legion. That’s firmly established in the Lore.
Manipulatd by the Legion, less you forget.
Djeezus people its not complicated; they didn’t write very solid lore. The horde vs alliance was so forced over the years, yes even in 2004, if you can’t see that then you were not even paying attention to the lore you claim you loved so much
So we’re just ignoring the Alliance forces of Northwatch in the Barrens and the various watch towers throughout Dustwallow, the horde encampments in the Kaldorei land of Ashenvale, the conflict between horde forces and the druids in Stonetalon, and in general the various locations then host to both horde and Alliance settlements.
Alright then.
Actually, the orcs were convinced to partake of demon blood and serve the Legion by conquering Azeroth. Even granted that, however, it doesn’t absolve them of wrongdoing anymore than would being drunk alleviate the fact that you ran someone over and killed them from a purely moral perspective.
“We will never be slaves…but we will be conquers.”
There was zero Burning Legion influence made in that statement.
And as we all know, stories should never change and evolve over time.
So, when can my dwarf butt walk into Org without being destroyed? Vestiges of the real game still exist.
Yeah, a small outpost is no threat.
What is the Horde territorial dispute to the Marsh ? Alliance kinda were there first.
Did you just quote me Warlords of Draenor… which isn’t even the Horde ?
I’m all for cross faction stuff, even ending the divide.
If we are going to say this game game is about the faction conflict then make all realms pvp realms, no opt out, and let’s have at it. Otherwise it serves no real purpose anymore with the dwindling player base.
On a side note it’s great fun when on a shaman to thunderstorm all the Hordies standing on the bridge outside lower Kara
Give it a few years time, I guess.
So on the one hand you say you played with a cross faction group and it was great. And then on the other hand you say its bad because it removes the ‘hate’ from the game?
Excuse me while readjust my brain.
Nope, nope. Still makes absolutely no fiddling sense. At all.
I’m so glad they made cross faction play and that it has been a near full success (still waiting on guilds and quest functionality)!
I am glad all the people who said it would never happen - that it would kill the game and communities - can cry about it as I have a lot of fun with my friends while we play the game together.
It needn’t be to become a source of conflict.
So you’re simultaneously wont to say that they live on separate continents and have no territorial disputes despite there existing holdfasts of both factions on both continents in the same locations wherefrom members of each faction issue and enter into conflict with said other faction.
The Horde burned the Night Elf great tree to the ground. Thats suspposed to be just forgiven?
The Scourge are ok with the Alliance ruining Lorderon - their home city?
Bah. This was a decision made for gameplay reasons and would never have happened if faction balance was a thing.
However I think its necessary at this point - but its upsetting that it got to this point. Vulpera going Alliance could have helped with faction balance. Im still flabbergasted that the Devs saw them fit for the Horde.
Well, they were for years. There is no shortage of wPvP on the classic servers which are still the old pvp server rulesets.
I still dont understand why the pvp servers were nurtured.
too far? it hasn’t gone far enough.
RP and lore shouldn’t stop people from playing with their friends. you can still have lore, and faction conflict, and we can all play together.
Seeing Horde doing some mundane business at the Ironforge bank will trigger me.
Stormwind and Org are on different continents.