Faction crossplay a bit too far?

whats the downside for having faction crossplay enabled besides ur “class fantasy” (that u can’t enjoy unless u have enough people to play)

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I haven’t seen them this mad since the Lorderan Alliance refused to let them genocide the orcs.

I find it ironic OP is chapped about Horde and Alliance working together against a common enemy but is totally chill with both sides allying with actual undead Death Knights – and the Horde chumming it up with actual rotting corpses.

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most players come to forum to seek conveniences, and can give 1000 reasons to get what they want

This right here is why I’d rather play Classic.
This talk of unity like it’s some grand thing when this is just a video game, and that dichotomy is one of the few things setting it apart from its frankly far more visually impressive competition.

The cross-play completely turns me off from even logging into retail at this point, at least until dragonflight hits and serves me a buffet of distraction from it. Then that dries up and it’s back to square one, getting condescended to by the teeming masses of holier-than-thou moralizers acting and speaking as if their video game opinion elevates them spiritually, mentally, perhaps even physically above those that disagree with them.


Yeah, it’s just a video game, people would rather play with friends than have a fake war no one has been into since the ending to Warcraft II.


Yeah, it’s just a video game, I enjoy the fake war that you claim no one has been into since the ending of Warcraft II.

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So you enjoy a non-cannon war that isn’t even rooted in the lore since Warcraft III ?


Yes. There a problem with that?

Yes actually. Hence why we’re getting cross faction play.

Feel free to do the whole “Alliance Only” thing if you want.


So the problem isn’t faction imbalance, effectively in appreciable part fostered by blizzard’s decisions over the years, it’s enjoying that there exists faction conflict.
Thanks for that, I haven’t actually had cause yet to laugh today.

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Imagine still caring about factions in this, the year of our Lord Two Thousand Twenty-two.


“Factions are for edge lords and weebs” thus sayeth the Lord, Ion Hazzijesus.

I’m 100% with you. Cross faction sucks but may be a necessary evil. The facton imbalance became so great, Ally were suffering.

What really gets me mad is that the Devs did nothing to work on the balance.

The day I saw that Vulpera were going Horde was the day I knew that the Devs didnt care about faction balance anymore. There was no way Diaper Gnomes were going to compete with Vulpera for popularity.

The devs stopped caring. Now the cross faction decision further breaks down the ‘world’ of warcraft.


Actually makes it much more of a ‘world’ of warcraft, rather than 'Warcraft II : The Golden Years".


I sure don’t care about factions. Never did

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No. It doesnt make sense. The Horde and the Alliance are natural enemies. Just because we come together to down a greater evil doesnt suddenly mean I forgive the Horde for the slaughter of my comrades over the years.

One of the premises of the entire game is the faction war. THe Horde destroyed one of our great capitals and murdered thousands of our people…

Like I said, due to the fact that the Devs screwed up the balance so badly, it became a necessary evil, but I still hate it.


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it evil lol.

Goodness GD being overdramatic as usual.


How so ? They live on different continents, have common ennemies, and no real territorial disputes.

That’s like a toddler approach to world views, and isn’t how the ‘world’ works, but ok.

Hasn’t been since Warcraft II oh and spoiler : it wasn’t in Warcraft II either. The Horde in Warcraft II is not the same Horde as Warcraft III.

The villain that attacked the Alliance since day 1 isn’t the Horde : it’s the Burning Legion. All the way back since Warcraft : Orcs and Humans. It was always the Legion.


Vanilla WoW was sold on faction wars. What are you talking about. So was BFA. There are rewards right now in classic WoW for killing the faction bosses.

This cross faction decision is one made out of gameplay necessity, not because it made sense in any kind of role play manner.