Faction change service pending

I’ve already been charged on the card, but the faction change service still shows as pending status.
Please, it’s 2024, the service should already be available for use.

Yes, that’s the current year and credit card fraud has done nothing but increase over the years too. While your card will undoubtedly show a pending charge, it still takes banks time to process the actual charges.

If it’s been more than 24 hours, you’ll want to put in a ticket here:


It’s the same subscription card, it shouldn’t be a problem.

It’s not. It just takes time. If you hit the 24 hour mark, then definitely put in a ticket for a GM to have a look and see if something is blocking it.


Im having issues as well. Maybe patch day has something to do with it?

It’s possible.

It could certainly be that. Additionally, there are other transfers happening in Classic and SOD that are likely taking up some server-side bandwidth too.


I’m seeing an issue with your first 4 attempts, the current one is showing queued - which just means it hasn’t fully processed yet.


Yes, those attempts were with PayU, then I tried on Blizzard’s own payment system and it worked. The charge has already appeared perfectly on my credit card statement. But unfortunately, I still can’t use the service.

You’re most likely seeing the pre-authorization charge.

That’s just Blizzard starting the handshake to confirm the funds are there, but they won’t have the money yet. They typically won’t see it until the next day after the systems run their batch processing.