Fact of the day: High Elves are Blood Elves

I mean, you’re not counting the Revantusk, of course, right? I mean, they are Trolls of the Amani Empire, and were nearly wiped out in the Troll Wars. But since they don’t have the name “Amani” next to them, you probably didn’t even notice.

And you do have Amani Trolls in Zul’dazar. You may not have a fond affinity with them, but they are under the Zandalari banner, like it or not. You, by association, are allied with them. No goal post movement needed, but nice try.

Another clear showing that you don’t really understand the story. Blood Elves mana addiction went way out of control. Your people were abusing it, heavily. There was a clear difference between how Blood Elves were using magic compared to everyone else. You seem to think that responsible and irresponsible magic use are the same thing.

You want to harp on the “It wasn’t approved by Humans!” bullcrap, but even your own people finally came to the same conclusion when they saw what your prince was actually doing. Funny. Even now, the Blood Elf starting narrative states that your leaders WANT YOUR PEOPLE TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE ARCANE. Why? Because the Humans and Night Elves were RIGHT.

The words of someone who doesn’t even realize how different the Blood Elves are from their former selves.


I don’t have a fond affinity to them, and I don’t with the Alliance either.

I know we were abusing it. Well not all but some. But that was exactly the same with Highborne and High Elves that weren’t with the Alliance. That’s my point. Helves of the Alliance are different! They are like humans with pointy ears.

Our Prince ended up sucking fel and allying with the Legion that tore through Silvermoon with Arthas, that did have to be fought back against. And Felblood are now different than us. Just like Helfers on the Alliance are different and closer to human.

Our [Belves] eyes are different. That’s it.

It’s funny, you seem to understand that there is quite the difference between what Blood Elves are now and what High Elves are now, but then you revert to “We’re the same!” and “Only our eye color is different!”, when anyone who pays attention can see that is clearly not true.

I do have a question, though: What do you think/feel about Blizzard specifically stating “Blood Elves no longer consider themselves high elven”?


No I said Belves are the same as we were before the change. Not that Helves of the Alliance and Belves are the same. I support you getting playable Helves. You are reading my posts very, very wrong.

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Oh, my mistake. They act differently, have different goals, etc… But if you feel that’s “the same”, whatever.

Also, I’m not actually specifically asking for playable High Elves. That has never been my goal here (though I would roll one as an alt if they were). I’m only here to bring information to the table. Information which Blizzard has clearly shown that High Elves and Blood Elves are not the same, and that Blizzard does not consider Blood Elves to be High Elves anymore.

I want them to give people as many options for RP purposes as possible because this is a RPG game.


Well, I’m sorry about getting so into things. I tend to go overboard sometimes.

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Is this actually said Does any of the developers actually say Blood Elves are not High Elves using those exact words. or did they say They evolved past blue eyes. I think there’s a bit of a difference between evolving beyond blue eyes and not being who you have been your whole life.

An eye color can be bred out of a cat, it’s still a cat. Also I honestly don’t think either the Blood Elves, or the High Elves, are the same as they were before the third war. The destruction of the original Sunwell, changed them. The difference is Blood Elves were the continuation of the race. High Elves are the continuation of a name.

It is from the “Official Warcraft Encyclopedia”, which was on the World of Warcraft website back when The Burning Crusade launched. Even though it did not survive the webpage updates, it is still considered cannonical by Blizzard and may be brought back in the future. You can still find archives of it via various sources on the web.

The full quote is this: “Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.”

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Ion never mentions high elves. You’re correct what he briefly said, which needs more explanation, is saying that Blood Elves have ‘evolved’ past blue eyes.

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keep in mind youre arguing with people who when the game director himself said the high elves are already playable these posters accused him of not knowing what he was talking about

everything they want is a blood elf(which is a high elf). light skin colors and majestic. can be a paladin, farstrider(ranger) or magister. majestic kingdom and long history. its all waiting for them on the horde just as ion said. they actually think its fair and owed to them to copy blood elves to the alliance. it really is hysterical when you step back and take a holistic view at the lore and how it is even represented in game. they have nothing going in terms of arguments thats why its just spam the forums til blizzard caves. thats all it is at this point


When you misquote Ion, it just makes you look bad.

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Does giving them blue skin and calling them Void Elves make them unique? Void Elves are high elves too, right?

if im misinterpreting him then why did you get void elves

Indeed. Alliance “High Elves” are either members of the Kirin Tor(which isn’t a race), married to Alliance citizens, or are mercenaries. While Blood Elves are an actual race with a capital, culture, etc.


Misinterpreting and misquoting are different things. You’re saying he said “High Elves are playable”, which he did not. He stated that Blood Elves are already the “fair skinned, tall, blonde, majestic elves” that are in WoW, and that giving Alliance what amounts to basically a “fair skinned, tall, blonde, majestic elf” would have blurred the lines. (Kinda ironic, since he gave the Horde tall, purple, night themed Elves, but that’s another topic). Having two races look so similar on opposite factions is not the same thing a “they’re the same!”

I mean, in that same Q&A question he even goes on to say “Anything is possible in the future but no plans in the near term to add High Elves as an allied race.” Now, why would he go and say something like that if he believes High Elves are already playable? If you watch the entire thing, it’s clear he chooses his words carefully to not state Blood Elves are High Elves, except in the part where they look very similiar.

but theyre not a high elf. theyre a void elf. velfs may have been in the past, but arent anymore. theyre another flavor of high elf

all he did was throw out a platitude. politicians do it all the time. its called pandering

If that’s the case, then, where the hell are light skin tones for Void Elves? They are Blood Elves and some High Elves joined them.

void elves have evolved beyond blood elf skin tones. they dont make sense for a VOID elf. theyll never have them because thats what makes them distinct



So Blood Elves are High Elves but Void Elves are not? Why is a Blood Elf a High Elf?