No biased media clogging up my feed. I get my news from outside fb from sources I trust (yes, both left and right). Who needs FB for that? Apparently I’m supposed to be upset. I don’t get why. This is great.
I already don’t have biased media clogging up my feed, instead I have
And of course Wild Turkey ads, beard oil ads, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any news that wasn’t posted by someone on my friends list. Unless you count Bernie Sanders sitting cross legged in mittens shirts and figurines as biased media.
Ah, I can (and do) get my news elsewhere. I don’t need to get it from fb.
I’m buying a car for both myself and my niece atm. Much cheaper than the options available on the paid car sale sites. I don’t use fb a lot but it does have it’s uses.
i still follow various news organization’s pages on my FB feed, regardless of whether they are promoted by FB. the obviously too edgy ones got banned off FB anyways and i follow those through other sites.
no need to ever solely rely on a single media site
My son’s sports use this, his boy scout troop uses this…so years of success avoiding this crap were ruined to get updates and messages for this stuff.
WHy I sort of can’t wait for the emo teenage years…dad I don’t want to do this and no you cant friend me on facebook.
Son… I wasn’t going friend you as now I will never touch that FB crap ever again now that I need it for nothing lol.
Hell my account has everything made from name on down the line. I jsut needed it to see stupid activity groups. When I need to write a friend or family I do something weird. I…write them directly. Mind blowing stuff there I know.
FB will not allow it. There is new legislation around FB having to pay our news outlets for content. So instead, fb just said “no aussie news on fb”. You can’t link it. They can’t do their own pages. None is allowed. It isn’t about what FB is promoting - it just isn’t allowed anymore.
I’m ok with this as I get my news elsewhere. It does mean however that I can’t have a story come up about how a woman bought the wrong sausages at woolworths and she’s upset and it’s woolworths fault. This is good.
Ah Facebook, the place where Family and Friends can argue about politics, share pictures of the kids with Grandma, post pictures of your fake life and people secretly try to cancel you because they disagree with your point of view. Such a lovely web world we live in
Ah but isn’t every forum outlet like facebook now.
Why, do you rate your own life by whatever inane social media sites you’re on?
My Facebook is used for local and gaming news and countless meme pages. If you find it to be a toxic environment you have only yourself to blame - you completely control what you see there.