I usually sit at about 20ms on both, but ever since the maintenance yesterday (5/28/24), I have been having terrible world latency, to the point where I cannot do dungeons or raids or anything successfully.
I have restarted my modem, router, and computer just to make sure that isn’t the issue. I am not having any latency on any other games except WoW. Nobody else that I have asked is having the same issue.
Is anyone on here having the same issue? Or have any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks
I am having the same issue. Very frustrating.
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Crazy latency on this realm currently.
Same. Last 20 minutes hovering over 2k world ms, and home ms.
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same here!!! currently 2-4k home, was 6k world but now lower.
had to pass on heroic raid cause of the lag. >:(
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I just hit 13620 world…
That’s insane.
I was also on 9000world ms. It’s just wow. I was farming trolls and quitted to cataclysm because of the lag but I’m still lagging there
I want to point that was not server related for me since I was on a group of five in which 1 was from area, 1 from sargeras and 1 from withcbane or smoething idon’tknowwhat and both me and the other player were from Ragnaros, same conditions but he was not lagging, only me.
Here is my pingplotter data
h t tp s://share.pingplotter.com/2SiuU4ALbJn
Currently also getting this for the last hour or so, anywhere between 2k and 8k latency connecting from AU.
US based friends not getting it, the scant amount of people in remix who reply in /1 don’t seem to be affected.
Though it’s not like usual lag that’ll lag everything out, I still see people running around and not moonwalking or running in place, but their names are usually “Unknown”.
Chat seems fine, that’s not lagged out and the messages reach the server okay,
Playing in NA to US West - unplayable, has been all night
h tt ps://share.pingplotter.com/a5mumLiZFFf.png
also for me, us west cata classic Atiesh for the last 1.5 hours reached 8k ping, now can’t long on
As an aside, I also can’t load Blizz’s support articles such as in the sticky and linked above by -
It loads a very barebones version of the pingplotter article in white, not the usual Blizzard stuff as the images aren’t loading, though entirely broken and only giving info for Diablo with a embedded video frame overlayed on it making it near impossible to read.
Seems the only sites I am having problems with currently, are Blizzard hosted sites and addresses.
(Other than archive(dot)org which has been hit with a cyber attack for the last 4~ days)
Same here. Since the patch I’ve been having insta-crashes to desktop, and each stage of login will take 5-10 min. Even the news page is refusing to load, have to do a reload 5-6 times before it responds. Problem seems to be on their end. Definitely started after the patch.
are u playing on NA? if so and you give me the server i can get you the IP you need to run the ping plotter.
The Americas (US West) (US Central)
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I play on NA realms, Yes, Bronzebeard.
Was mostly just hoping to read through it so I could run a traceroute.
Having the same issue - Moon Guard NA was perfect till all of a sudden 9k Home and 8k World can’t do anything.
I wasn’t getting as high latency as you are all facing, but I was fine before today. Today, I am seeing anywhere from 300-800ms World Latency. Honestly incredibly frustrating when my guild is going through leveling and getting gear and I am stuck 6 seconds behind them trying to do stuff.
https:// share. pingplotter. com/RwsW2Nc53wy
HUGE packet loss, major issue that is not effecting everyone. fix it now or refund me lost time. i pay a share of your salary.
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Ping plotter says the issue is somewhere between Chicago and the west coast servers.