Extremely high World Latency

same issue for last few hrs.

ht tps://share.pingplotter.com/xn9YxPhtXx

anyone know how long this usually takes to get fixed? i was meant to raid in a few hrs =(

From these tests, it looks like Twelve99 is experiencing issues, which is the peer that hands ISP traffic off to the Blizzard servers (not part of their network). Unfortunately, you either have to wait until it gets better or convince your ISP to escalate the issue.

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As an Aussie, with an ISP in no way connected to Arelion (Twelve99) , a Swedish telecoms and infrastructure provider, I have no way to

though as Activision Blizzard is? one of their customers as noted via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arelion

posting here seems to be the best option, as they can reach out to the provider of their network.

I don’t think that’s the case anymore since they switched server hosting (and moved Los Angeles server to Las Vegas), but it would take me a while to verify. You can also see the notice about those claims right above the text:

This section may contain excessive or inappropriate references to self-published sources. Please help improve it by removing references to unreliable sources where they are used inappropriately. (July 2022)

Disagree, since you’re posting to fellow players, not alerting staff. Twitter or tickets might be your best course of contact if you believe the wiki.

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As blues do monitor this forum, I’m not going to a third party site that I can’t even read properly anymore without an account (and no I will not create one) and suggesting it is probably not the wisest course of action.

As there will also be quite a large delay on ticketing an issue like this then creating one for it also seems redundant as it will no doubt take longer (as first 1-2 of them will just give a template response before anyone actually reads it) than the issue will go on for.

But I’m not here to argue with you, I’m posting on Blizzard’s forums about a Blizzard issue, if we’re lucky one will see it and tap someone on the shoulder, if not, so be it, otherwise the others posting here can at least be assured it’s not just them in the lurch.

Same problem, virtually unplayable

h tt ps://share.pingplotter.com/atV8gun3QMn

i got a vpn and it seemed to fix the issue

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Thank you for reporting back that this suggestion works :slight_smile:

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Not all of us can use VPS because it also puts our accounts at risk being flagged in another country. :3

I don’t know how up to date those are but lately for US Central server I’ve been getting these:

Anyways also having the same problem. Home is normal at 180ms for me but my world ms would go from 500ms-9000ms that just started today as well. Always happening during boss encounter where spells would start queueing and world ms would shoot up to 9000ms. Valdrakken would be affected too.
Asia to NA.

htt ps://share.pingplotter.com/e6EHboDs5xk

Gonna post this here, just a Copy and paste from a Reddit post I made a few ago

So I’ve been having some issues recently with my connection, On Retail I can log into the game, see my character list, However my World MS shoots up to the high 9K+. When I try to log into Catalcysm my character list doesn’t even get the chance to load and I disconnect after a few minutes.

As for my WIFI itself, I use a Fiber optic Ethernet connection, And I dont suspect it’s my wifi But who am I to know. I’ve tried several times resetting my router, Changing my Ethernet, Not using the Ethernet in general, and Rebooting my wifi Via Phone app.

I’ve even gone as far as going to their support page and attempting their suggestions of Flushing the DNS and renewing my IP, as well as checking Windows Firewall’s permissions, and Scan-repair game files all to no avail.

If anyone knows a fix to this sort of issue I would greatly appreciate the help.

Again, I dont suspect it to be my actual wifi, as it performs perfectly on other Online games with no lag or connection issues as of having this problem with WoW

This high latency issue start this morning my time gmt+1 aprox 3am… I play on lava lash SoD… and iwe restarted computors, tried to run wow on both computors, and the latency issue, is ONLY affecting wow…

I just logged in and the game has unplayable lag on Los Angeles servers, such as Tichondrius. I normally get about 80 ms on this datacenter but in game it’s fluctuating between 200-300 right now. However, it’s feels FAR worse than that. It’s more like 2000-3000 (2-3 sec delay). With random spikes up like 8000 at least. Huge lag spikes where everything just stops completely. Yesterday this wasn’t happening.

Servers on the Chicago datacenter, such as Stormrage are completely normal. I’m getting my usual 30-40 ms and it feels completely stable.

I live on the east coast, specifically New England.

Two hours ago it was ok, but now it’s unplayable. I can’t even login. Another games working well (eve, albion).

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