Extremely High Latency (Only WoW Cataclysm Classic)

Hi all,

I’m having a very frustrating issue with the WoW Classic Cataclysm servers. My latency has skyrocketed to 7000ms in the last hour or so. Retail and WoW Classic servers are running perfectly fine with 5-6ms. My brother, who lives four blocks down the road, is having no issues whatsoever. What sort of black magic is this? Any help is much appreciated.


Ha! They made Cata too accurate. I use to have to run a program to disable the b net launcher when cata hit and they did the fancy new launcher.

I’m getting disgusting lag when i join BGs. Bad enough having 300 ms on american servers but it’s about 3 minutes at the moment

I thought it was just me, its not all the time though which is crazy. Get high sustained latency for about 10-15 min then it goes away. Only started happening after cata launch on Monday

Update on this, I can’t even login to the servers anymore. It basically tries to load the characters and probably server time runs out and it disconnects me and send me back to the login page again…

I’m in WoW Classic attempting to run AV’s and mine has been bad since updating Classic about an hour ago. I have tried a bunch of things with no luck, please if anyone has a fix please let us know, driving me mad right now, can barely play.

The reason for this is because bgs/wg/tb are all putting people onto oceanic servers. My wg right now just has everyone running in place for the last 5 mins of the game until it finally dc’s me a few minutes after the game has actually ended(wasnt just me either, most of the ppl in the wg on horde side experienced this aswell, who knows about ally.) Its unplayable every type of pvp content i try to play is 500+ms

We had this discussion in chat last night. Personally I see no lag while averaging 59 ms for world and server. I also have 1 gb up/down so not sure if that makes any difference.

The ONLY thing I saw lag were DOTs. Throw serpent sting…takes a sec to show on enemy.

Maybe today’s restarts first that issue I see. BUT there are a lot of peeps playing.

I’m having mad latency on “peak” times. From 600 ms to 1000+. I wonder about raid time lag when it opens.

If it affects pve raids/dungeons it’ll be fixed insta

It was happening to me when I entered a raid portal, so I missed out on the raids everyone else was fine

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