Extreme Sensitivity and Toxicity in Modern WoW

You all have to get off PVE/PVE servers and try RP - the real Wow community still happens there.

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I actually don’t see this in the game. Does that mean I am insensitive ? And if I am insensitive and don’t see it what does that make you OP who sees it ?

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There is no discipline in the youth today…I personally blame MTV.

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Here’s the reality: The most popular MMO is going to have more jackasses than the others by virtue of being the most popular.

Trying to paint everyone that way is just a good way to have people like me think less of you.

There’s also the issue of people labeling anything mildly offensive to them as ‘toxic’, but that’s a whole 'nother can of worms there.

Ignoring bullies and hoping they go away doesn’t work in real life any better than it does in games like wow. Which is, not at all.

It just frees them to continue their antisocial behavior.

I think people that refer to other people as “overly sensitive” are on a personal mission to see how offensive they can be and still get away with it.


My dad would dare us to get a small one because as soon as we did, he would get a bigger one and have it ready. He was a mad man and he did not play around.

On the OPs topic, I believe people are toxic because they’re not happy within there own lives. I know this seems odd, maybe far out there to some, but think about your own lives for a moment, are you really happy? I do not think most are.

Furthermore, I do agree that we live in an oversensitive world, but we get what we foster and allow. Want to see change? Be the change.


At least buy me a drink first :stuck_out_tongue:

Spot on,back when I was a kid in the 90’s,I was taught the importance of etiquette and treating people decently,if you acted like a prick and were out of line,discipline ensued and bad behavior was more often than not discouraged. Sure,people were A-holes then too but wasnt as bad as it seems to be now where rudeness and cruelty are the norm and spreading like a plague.

These days,rather than get called out for being rude,you get dog piled for trying to encourage basic morals and are accused of trying to censor them which in turn leads to doubling down on a- hole behavior because “muh freeze peach” which isn’t surprising given who we currently have in office emboldening this crap.

Also apparently wanting people to stop being douchey nonces by spewing derogatory words automatically makes you an “SJW”,NPC and any buzzword I may have forgotten when in reality people are just going “Hey,could you stop being a jerk? People would find you more pleasant if you weren’t being rude.” Pretty disconcerting given we should have evolved to be civil human beings yet people insist on acting like neanderthals out to be offensive for the sake of being offensive.


Thank you for posting that.

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Yeah, that was the whole idea of down voting something. lol are you being serious?

Now they just mass report stuff they don’t agree with.

That’s beyond just being an a**hole. That’s being a full on piece of human garbage.


Let me guess, you got reported over something and instead of doing any introspection, you’re just going to blame everyone else.


It was called “dislike”, what else was is supposed to be used for with a label like that?

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In all honesty it’s wow per se but it seems to be mirroring how internet society has changed too.

I got a 7 day silence for saying one football team was the worst. Follow by Go my team. Apparently thats toxic.

Funny story though. I work in IT and surrounded by younger gamers who also happen to support my team. They all had been WoW players at one point in their lives. I got props for getting silenced when I asked them if what I did was that wrong (since I am an old man with a different set of values). I thought good natured trash talk was all in good fun

I wouldn’t say people are overly sensitive per say,I think they’re just tired of putting up with people being Dicks especially given that gaming is seen as a form of not only entertainment but escapism as well after putting up with douchebaggery all day IRL. Have a bad day? Hop on a game with your mates and let off some steam while having a good time,give a little playful banter here and there and all is well. Playful banter is all well and good as it’s fun to see what kind of clap backs and quips your mates can think of but there is a HUGE difference between playful/witty banter and being an all out jackass which unfortunately in WoW and other games these days online,people seem to run into the latter which can REALLY sour a good session.

I’m rather baffled why people seem to wanna justify bad/rude behavior towards other players who more often than not just wanna play in peace and enjoy the game. Being a douchenozzle isn’t really necessary and is one of many contributing factors to why we as a community get such a bad rap from media and others on the outside looking in. If someone is underperforming,rather than reem into the poor sod go “Yo,your rotation is a tad off try this rotation to up your damage,aggro,heals,etc.” or at least recommend a good site to peruse at their leisure. If people wanna see more social activity,being a team player rather than screaming at them you’re like R Lee Ermey will have better results and will encourage people to open up rather than clam up and say “Screw it,people are terrible I’m gonna solo from now on” Same can be applied with inviting them to activities in game instead of pushing them away and pulling a smegol thinking they’ll take “your precious” [phat lewts people feel entitled to] away from you.

I will admit I can be a tosser on the forums but it’s more out of frustration of how the community has become than it is malice because at the end of the day,we’re all gamers and have a common interest. Help those willing to learn,lift up those with potential and call out the ones that are deliberately acting like bags of human refuse,simple as that. Nothing necessarily oversensitive on wanting to play in a more positive environment and not have to put up with bollocks in your favorite hobby,that’s a pretty reasonable request IMO.


It’s simple: When Ion finally admitted they went to far. Because as usual they refuse to listen to the players for months and months, actually years. That is the one and only problem. The biggest MMO in the world and the Dev’s are not allowed to communicate with the players. The biggest MMO fails to understand basic business and customer service skills.

It doesn’t take a monkey with the smarts of Einstein to understand where things have gone very south.

Ignoring bullies and hoping they go away doesn’t work in real life any better than it does in games like wow. Which is, not at all.

It just frees them to continue their antisocial behavior. [/quote]
That only applies to real life.
In online discorse:

If you don’t respond to people who are trying to get your attention they’ll stop seeking it. If they start following you around, act like you would with any other player. Walk right through them like they weren’t there and make a beeline for the quest givers. There are going to be thousands of people playing this game on launch day, not all of them are going to be good dudes.

If they’re saying stuff that is clearly against the game’s rules as set forth by Blizzard: Put them on ignore, you won’t be able to unsee what they said. but don’t give them the satisfaction of a response.

As long as it’s not against the game rules, it’s not really a problem with the person doing it. If they’re saying bad things, put them on ignore.

Things have changed a lot in the past decade or two. It used to be that people would rib each other and joke around regularly, but it was mostly good natured with no malintent. A handful engaged in actual trolling and intentional hurtfulness, but the number was small enough that /ignoring them and telling your connections would ostracize them, keeping the problem bounded.

These days so many more people troll and are spiteful and/or vindictive and I really don’t understand it at all. I simply cannot place myself in a frame of mind where those actions make any kind of sense. It’s so strange.


He was trying to equate dislike/disagreeing with something to being offended.

That’s not at all the case.

See above…