Extreme Sensitivity and Toxicity in Modern WoW

I was bullied throughout most of my schooling, I ignored it because there was nothing I could do about it and because I knew that some people are just straight up jerks. I even had my hand broken in a fight because of the bullying.

Expecting everybody to be peachy keen nice to each other all the time is a pipe dream at best, and at worst it’s unreasonable.

I dunno. It seems pretty much the same as it’s always been.

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Im offended that your offended that the OP is offended by people being sensitive and offended.

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I tend to read ‘toxic’ in a post and everything after that just blurs into a gibberish as I lose interest in whatever is being said.

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I dont think we are getting more toxic, I believe the SJWs are winning and people are just looking to get offended these days.


Thinks back to, say, Serenity Now crashing an in game funeral for a stroke victim in vanilla

Actually no. No, there have always been a**holes.


That was hilarious and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a sense of humor.


It’s not just WoW, it’s Earth, and it’s not a “downward spiral,” it’s an exposure of all the feelings and voices that never got heard before social media. They always existed.

Personally, I knew that, but to some, I suppose they may have always thought that every other person out there was somewhat similar to them. The truth couldn’t be farther from that.

Everyone has a voice now, so we hear opinions from everywhere on the spectrum, from the most sensitive person, to the most aggressive. Don’t gloss over the word “spectrum,” either. You may think it’s cliche, but it’s important to understand that you are talking about infinite personality types multiplied by infinite states of mental health. No two people are alike, inside their minds.

In days gone by, you never heard that some random kid in South Dakota went into a deep depression and became suicidal because of harsh words that were spoken to him; now you do. You never heard about the guy in Florida that was so pent up with anger, he spoke the most horrible words imaginable to strangers; now you do.

Our next step as a society is to accept that both of these example people are still human, and their feelings and thoughts demand respect, not ridicule. Both need help. Both are as good as any “average” person that has a handle on their feelings.

In addition, you know neither of them. Until you sit down with a person face to face, and examine their behavior, you’re assigning traits to a character they’ve created - their “online persona,” for lack of a better term - not to the actual human.


I was bullied too, never thought I see someone else weaponise that.

Get out of here with your ‘tough it out’ rhetoric. Yes I do expect people to be nice. it’s pretty much how we all go about life.

This is not the middle ages, grow up.


Its not that the wow community is toxic. Its that a certain percentage of people in the world are just horrible people and that translates into what they do in wow. Many players might seem friendly and cool to some, but to others they are spoiled/selfish/jaded and since none of the real horrible people have been punished they feel they can get away with anything nowadays.

The best way to avoid them:

1- dont give your opinion on ANYTHING on the forums or public chat channels
2- click “combat log” tab to view it instead of chat when you need an allover block
3- find one awesome person to play with and slowly grow your group and maybe form your own guild
4- remember that this is your time to enjoy and no rando is going to take that away from you. Accept that no matter how friendly others are, never trust them with anythinh that can backfire. And no matter how great a guild is, accept that there will always be one obvious and probably several that will show their true selves in time.

Be proactive in blocking toxic players. Every time you play, take a few mins to read chat channels. Every day theres always a few people i block and never have to deal with again.

In 14 years of playing the only real problem with wow has been the vocal minority of jaded and burnt out “players” and you can easily avoid them if you take the time to follow above tips. It sucks but its how things are. Also anyone that complains about the game as a whole or anyone who says they are bored or have nothing to do or those that spend more time chatting than actually playing. Keep blocking and dont take the bait and you will see that its only a small vocal minority.

Good luck!!

P.S. - another dead giveaway someone is toxic is anyone who complains about the sub price. 50cents a day for unlimited fun and they cry? Gimme a break lol


Stop being toxic and you won’t give people a reason to be outraged at you. It’s that simple.

You are the problem.


It’s fine in WoW. Quite tame to be honest, haven’t really seen a rise in sensitivity nor toxicity. It’s just forums that have the loud few people which make it more of an issue than it is.

Society has changed, anonymity reigns supreme, twitch seems to breed lots of stupid behavior and that’s where you get it seeping into games such as WoW, and mostly FPShooter games.

Extreme sensitivity, in all honesty, is the issue with not preparing the kids now-a-days to what is out there. Their mental health is more fragile than in the past and we seemingly have more idiots than before that just find being a jerk to be funny.


People have been given to many protections and now expect them. In good old 90s internet the problem was self correcting.

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You’re probably disappointed a lot.
Putting people who are jerks on ignore or just straight up ignoring what they have to say is no different than not talking to jerks in the real world.

Most people are pretty nice, but the jerks are always going to be jerks and there’s always going to be jerks. Getting upset at all the jerks you come across is just going to lead you having a really sad and stressful life.

I think it’s just that the 1337 generation grew up an started calling everyone else toxic.

Nah some people are pretty big jerks, just because they find it funny or because they can. There’s probably a bunch of sociopaths who take joy in making people angry too.


I once was dragged and told that someone was going to murder me because I had a boyfriend during vanilla (100% not true. i was just very pro-LGBT, and was very vocal about it in my guild’s vent server). To the point that the person was sending me in game mail about how they were going to… well… the details aren’t important. The fact that I’m not gay didn’t matter to this person. They heard from a former guildie of mine that I was, and that was the end of the matter.

I saw awful things in chats in the mid 2000’s. Just because it’s happening now too doesn’t mean its worse. It just means its still happening.


You’re reaching.

People would downvote a post simply because they didn’t like it. Not liking something is not being or getting offended by it…

I think people that refer to other people as toxic are overly sensitive.

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People want to quit but are invested. It’s misdirected feelings.