Extreme Sensitivity and Toxicity in Modern WoW

It’s an extension of the general outrage culture prevalent in western society. There’s nothing unique about the manifestation within World of Warcraft. You can see this horsecrap everywhere.

Whats horsecrap, exactly?

It’s crap … the comes out a horse.

If you’re asking about something specific, I have no examples. I was just responding to the OP’s general sentiment.

Yea, I was talking about the comment you made.

If you’re going to call something crap I would hope you can expand on why that’s so.

The OP was referring to general sensitivity and toxicity and where it came from and I was pointing out that it comes from … everywhere. It’s part of the western culture, not part of World of Warcraft specifically. Savvy?

poor parenting.


What about western culture is sensitive?

Oh boy … I’m not diving down that rabbit hole on a World of Warcraft forum. Sorry, mate!

Mmmhmm. I didn’t think so.

Blizzard not moderating nor engaging in dialogue with their community.

Blizzard not fostering a community that is more wholesome and willing to accept and mentor newer or less skilled players akin to FFXIV.

Twitch streamers.

The general anonymity of the internet making the average person the worst version of themselves.

These are the big 4 imo.


I’d have to say … The Real World.

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Outrage culture is growing IRL too, if you havnt noticed. With that being the case, its to be expected that it would carry over to online communities also.

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Precisely. It’s just the way it is now.

I haven’t noticed any difference.

People were just as “toxic” back in the day.


Maybe … but I submit that they weren’t as sensitive on average. I think that’s the big change, and it’s a not a change for the better.

I think more people are “sensitive” about the alleged toxicity increase.

We get a ton of posts of people complaining about toxic things that rarely ever happen…but pretending like they happen constantly.

If someone encounters a jerk in game? Time to make a forum post about it.


This is wishful thinking on your part. I’ve seen it happen so many times that people will say, “Ignore them, don’t feed the trolls.”

But ignoring them just empowers their behavior on the internet the same as in real life. They can keep pushing further until it can reach the point where damage is irreparable. I’ve seen popular forums destroyed by well-intended people coddling malicious trolls who were out to wreck them.

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I am not out to offend anyone I stated what I thought. I absolutely hate the word toxic being used to refer to another human being, people are not toxic.
Also it’s up to people whether or not they choose to take offense… oh why bother I’m just going to end up with a headache if I debate this crap, and I have better things to do with my day.
Have a good one.

Exactly my point. You find it offensive for people to be judged for their malicious behavior that is commonly called “toxic”. You think the solution is for people to be “less sensitive” and willing to put up with sometimes escalating abuse indefinitely.

That puts abuse as the fault of the abused.

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I didn’t say it was offensive for people to be judge by their behavior.
I said I didn’t like the use of the word toxic to describe people, human beings aren’t poisonous they are human beings.
You’re also putting words in my mouth, apparently I said a helluva lot more than I thought I did.
Nice job twisting my words.
Anyway I’m muting this thread as I said before this is not worth my time, have a good day, I’m choosing to leave and not argue, see how easy it is? Goodbye I won’t be back.