The reality is Azeroth needs an extinction level event. I mean everything is literally laid to waste and must be rebuilt. There is your storyline.
The franchise and storyline has gone down a bloated, dysfunctional and disjointed path. It appears that its being cobbled together with aspects from Lord of the Rings, The Marvel Universe (Honorable mention to Thanos and Dr. Strange) and of course Hasbros Transformers. Yup now we have Machines running the planet. We now have Galakrond instead of Galvatron in wow lol. Might as well call it Cybertron with all the machines and factions involved with it lol. I can keep going on an on, but you get the point.
The point being this. WOW was fresh, original, expansive and wonderous. This is not meant to troll, but to put some creative perspective on a lot of this. I say this with peace and love.
There is no turning back now since the next 3 expansions are in the pipeline.
As for the next one…well time for an extinction level event.
You all know I am right
I just hope the Worldsoul Saga is about them improving their storytelling tech and capabilities far more than ever before. My fear is that it’s just a marketing term for “we made a story that spans three expansions but deliver it exactly the same way (which basically changes almost nothing).”
So basically remove everything that went before, including everybody’s collections, and start fresh as a new game. A tiny hardcore elite esports lobby game with a cult following is what Blizzard planners have been salivating over turning wow into for multiple expansions. If they get to reset, there will be no world anymore. If you think the people who put the game into this shape can turn it around by eliminating warcraft and the world from world of warcraft, I don’t know what to tell you.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they were about to remove leveling and tell us all it was better for the game. Apparently there’s lots that hate leveling at all and want pretty much what you stated.
Also if they want to remove Warcraft and make a happy do dah farmville game where everyone hugs all the time and no one hurts anyone’s feelings, then they should just make another game like that.
While a big meteor is still my hope for Earth in 2024, I don’t think Azeroth needs it. What Azeroth needs is a movie and streaming series created by a few people that want to play the game and refresh the world and put it in some cannon that leaked out during dark days from a fraught staff in crisis at Blizzard/ABK.
Nobody wants to lose their precious treehouse yet again. Destruction is the lazy solution and won’t regain the joy of Mr. T discovering Azeroth with us.