A storyline featuring a war between orcs, humans, undead and elves?? I SWEAR I had seen that somewhere before WoW came along…
Let’s be real here.
If there did an extinction event story, the storyline would actually either be us fixing the planet by going back in time to prevent it or uniting against the extinction event to stop it in it’s track (with how many gods we’ve just beaten to death, I’m certain we could beat Extinction to death too).
Hoping a full scale reboot however…is dumb.
Now that Bruce Willis is in no condition to save the world who will we send to save us?
Tom Cruise?
How’d I not think of that. Honestly, I don’t think there is a better answer.
I wouldn’t mind a complete restart. Like a new Azeroth we go to that has only parts exposed (Like tiny parts of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. You could even say we’re stepping into an alternate version of ourselves rather than our own literal character. Then you could fade back and forth between universes.
So much of that old content could be brought back to life. I’d love to see Felwoods all over again from a different perspective. Tanaris, Un’goro, Silithus, so many areas that are just dead right now and could be brought back.
Fresh start, all of old WoW is still there, and they can undo all the mess they’ve created. Though admittedly it sounds hella cheesy but I feel like we’re due for a restart of sorts at this point. Either WoW 2 (Overwatch 2 style) or some sort of cleanse.
“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” – Ellen Ripley
someone has never played cataclysm.
We had an extinction level event every 2 years since 2004. I was told that I’d be mountain climbing, maybe a little wildlife photography. I was told there’d be a spa…
Ended up fighting a protodrake on bath-salts trying to turn all of Azeroth to the Firelands.
Very fast, very dangerous. You must have the reflexes of a Jedi.
I had the high ground.
They can pull a Dalaran with the new tree and plunk it right down on Teldrassil. Anything is possible with magic.
I don’t think that actually solves anything.
Hasnt this literally been the point of the last 3 final bosses of each expac?
I mean the Titans came and wiped out prior resistance on Azeroth and elsewhere and reclaimed it all in the name of Order. You would think that out of all the people we’ve fought they’ve all been the lesser villains, and it really was the Titans and their campaign that had already won out in the universe well before we ever even came along.
“What sword?” - Blizzard
We move into the next world (Wow 2 or whatever) and we keep our titles, our mounts, our achievements…etc.
We dont necessarily need to start at level 1 per se, but if we did, then for sure, we must still have access to the items we earned either in a previous life (like i THOUGHT they were going to do with Shadowlands) or in a previous time/place.
That or they need to revamp Azeroth itself, allow people to reach max level by just questing in Azeroth and only allow access to older expac material with Chromie Time. Chromie Time should be something that people can access at any point during their character’s level. This would allow people to, as a side project – continue to access old content for transmog, etc.
My dude, Warcraft wasn’t even original.
Now? This started back in Vanilla. We’ve been discovering titan machinary on Azeroth since the very beginning.