They are, I opened a ticket and the answer was
’ we will get to it , if not now after launch ’
which is total BS
Yep , where are the PVE servers?
They are, I opened a ticket and the answer was
’ we will get to it , if not now after launch ’
which is total BS
Yep , where are the PVE servers?
Ask Blizzard, not me.
have and they had to pull their shoes off to count high enough
If you want them to listen talk with $$$$ then they will
Now that both EST Normal servers are maxed, how about a new one?
You only have two normal PvE servers in the Eastern Time Zone and they both are full now - exactly where do you figure people should move to ? You keep creating more PvP servers but ignoring the fact you need more PvE ones in the Eastern Zone.
dont hold your breath , wouldn’t want you turning blue
they dont care simple as that
Maybe they know you guys don’t have any fight in you, so they are just pimping you for laughs?
I suspect they figure people should help the RP’s with their server but no thanks.
That’s stupid.
Stop spouting drivel; you do not speak for Blizzard.
Neither do you or anyone else who is posting here other than the Blues…
They seem to be MIA also…
However I will speak my mind if you dont like it then you dont have to read or reply
I agree i will not be on RP servers or PVP Servers, period
Exactly this, I moved from Pagle to Mankrik because Pagle was full, now Mankrik is full and there’s not another est pve server to move to.
Blizzard Obviously dont care ,…
Let all the PVP Servers fill up and BOOM instant new server(s)
Let PVE Fill up and its like ’ hey its all good we will wait till they get as pissed off as they can be ’
That is false. Herod reached full on the 13th they didn’t open a new PvP server until the 16th 3 days later. Faerlina reached full on the 15th and they didn’t open the next EST PvP realm until the 19th four days later.
I agree that PvE should have a new EST server, hell I think they should have a new PST server but lying about how PvP got servers so fast does your argument no good
all you had to do is look at the private servers after all patches have been rolled out ,no events were going on, etc… <1000 concurrent players online spread out over 6 realms… it was nearly a ghost town even in the major cities.
And guess what. As those people come on, Blizzard will spin up new servers. Why is that such a puzzle?
Most likely, on go-live day, you are going to see more realms on the list with some new ones listed as OFFLINE. They can turn them on in seconds as they are needed.
Do you feel like that might be a little unfair to the people who subbed early just for name reg? I mean, I don’t mind switching realms for a better play experience, even if it means not getting one of my top picks for names. In fact, despite getting in within the first few minutes, I did not get my top pick for a name, or my second pick. But if I’m picking my name at the same time as people who did not sub early, well, then I feel like I was scammed, because I was promised a chance to reserve a name ahead of time.
I rolled on a PvE server, despite having played on a PvP server in Vanilla (and having a preference for the same) because with the massive size of these servers, PvP servers would be miserable to level alts on. But now both of the East PvE servers are full and they’re not even opening another one? So your suggestion is that I wait until launch day to get onto a playable server, despite having paid a premium for the right to get settled in advance? That’s EA level shady, right there.
I mean, apparently Blizzard wants us to go to hell. Would be nice if there was an option, wouldn’t it?
I’d happily move if they’d make somewhere for me to go. I’d very much like to be on a realm with no login queues. But it seems like that’s not going to be possible.
Please do NOT plan to just open up new PvE realms on launch day. PLEASE give us early birds time to transfer our characters to a new EST PvE realm before launch day.
I’m personally up for work before dawn by EST standards so playing on a PST server with PST raid times is not an option.