Extended Maintenance

I’m not complaining about extended maintenance. I’ve been playing since 04, I get it and I’m used to it.
What I do wonder however, it what exactly is going on behind the scenes during an extended maintenance. Are they fixing last minute bugs that weren’t caught, or replacing old hardware with new hardware which requires long installations?
Are there things that happen during extended maintenance that could have and should have been mitigated before launch, or is it all a surprise?
I’m curious.


Im just curious to why it went from 15:00 to 16:00 now 17:00??!??!?!? seriously this is a bit absurd. I am 2hr Ahead from PST and having to wait this long, I feel like this is unfair to the community and they need to be compensated for the time which these longer than normal extended Maintenances happen. each hour longer should be compensated. I pay to play not pay to sit.


Lmao. The entitlement…

I’ll tell you what. Here’s what I’ll do for you.

If you can find me a contract that you signed with Blizzard that sais that they need to have the servers up at YOUR specific convenience, and that they need to allow you a certain number of hours to play each month, then I’ll paypal you the 40 cents that you lost for the day.


But then don’t you ever… EVER… take a day off from playing. Because if you do, then your entire argument is void. If you ever decide that you don’t want to play one day, then you completely undermine your own argument.

Because after all:


I dont know things broke maybe like some code or errors ? Things happen in digital things specially working with video games, im sure if you been around since 04 you remember the days where wow been down for like 3 or 4 days

sweet thanks, have a wonderful day of me not caring what you think. :slight_smile:

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You care enough to reply. That sais something.

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this happens every patch, but that doesnt make it ok. No other game out there has 8 or 10 or 12 hour maintance to put in a patch. Its absurd


The time in maintenance comes out to about 25 cents. What you gonna do with that quarter, guy?

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Players do get compensated. That’s the reason why your subscription due date changes\ and is never on the exact 30 days.

Also, considering maintenance is a necessary thing, I’ve never known the reason why having a PTR is a thing. The PTR is designed to test out patches/expansions, etc. to find and fix any issues prior to going live.


Sometimes there’s technical issues in random locations that the IT department has to check and test over and over to verify things are working right. Delayed updates could be a mix of software coding and infrastructure issues.

I used to be a convention director. Believe me, whilst they make things look good up front, it’s absolute chaos behind the scenes.

Patience is your best bet at this point. We won’t really ever know why there are delays. They’ll be up and running soon.


I have 0 idea what happens, but I hope it’s done in Sandals with a nice mimosa and breakfast bar.
In all seriousness though, it happens almost every patch and launch, I’m sure since Blizz is in the business of making money if there was a simple fix prior to patch maintenance they’d have long since done it.

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It looks great when working on their machines but a completely different reaction when it goes live so many variables.

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Hmm… and what compensation do you think would be fair dear Trifling?

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If you have been playing since 04, you would not expect to play at all today. Or you are a glutton for punishment.


Everyone complains about there being no content then there’s complaints cuz you can’t get in. What is it exactly your trying to get done now?

Either way I’m good. I’m at work until 2100. Hope maintenance is that long. :slight_smile:


FFXIV has 24 hour patch cycles. 8 hours is nothing in comparison.

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Oh that couldn’t possibly be true bc Darth said no other and he MUST know what he is talking about because… checks notes err… well… I mean… oh nvm!

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another notch on why that game is dog

They are probably trying their hamsters in line

I’m 2 hours ahead as well and i don’t mind the wait. Better they take their time and get things right then mess things up even worse.

Surely you can think of something else you can/could be doing during this downtime…