Extended maintenance.. again

Just waiting for the next extension :slight_smile:

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And how many people is this their job? So they should cater to the 1% of the 1% of players? Someones going to get screwed with maintenance. The other 99.99% of peolle who this isnt their job and entire identity can learn to suck it up. I dont seem to remember seejng liquid crying about the maintenance. Take a page out of their book.

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what’s a seejing?

Damn man life sucks sometimes doesnt it?

They’ll take the time they need to do whatever they want. Just because they have the scheduled “allotted time” from 7am (PDT) to 9am (PDT) originally, does not mean they can’t increase the time beyond that if issues persist to resolve it. Amazing how easy ppl get upset over maintenance extensions.

Kinda looking like it will be extended again doesnt it?

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Damn man, nobody cares

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They just extended it to 1:00 p.m.

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Obviously you care a whole lot. Get more of a personality than playing wow.

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Are you surprised?

it will be extended again

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It already is, you’re kinda slow…

Oh no, not the “Micro Transaction buying” attack…sick burn bro! :roll_eyes:

your mad, it shows, be mad, NEXT

That is probably 100% true about more money then I will ever have. But I am retired and living comfortably. I paid my dues to the betterment of society. Lord knows they need that extra income due to uncontrolled inflation. But playing games is more important then infrastructure? I’m glad when this whole esports card of house comes crashing down and society collapses because playing esports more important then electric, water, sewage and waste removal, fall to the neglected wayside, I’ll be dead and gone!

They have test environments they can (and probably do) test the deploys on. They should know ahead of time how long the process is going to take, and make that known before it starts. It’s pretty simple; imagine if they had large corporate clients for their service and they said there was going to be a 2 hour downtime and then they extended it to triple that - do you think that’d fly? Just because Blizzard serves $15/m plebes doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be accountable to their customers.

People pay a monthly fee to get access to their services outside of scheduled downtimes. There is an expectation they make good on their promises.

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Nobody asked for a life story.

Where are you paying less than $7/month to play wow?

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After 20 years you think people would learn about Tuesday maintenance.

after 20 years you would think someone would care about your opinion, OP

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