Extended maintenance.. again

And more so beyond people having this as a job, doesn’t matter how small the percentage is we pay for this game, if it’s going to be down be transparent don’t wing it and push it back an hour a few minutes before it’s supposed to be up multiple times. Some people this is their only free day, it’s just a bad business structure and I don’t know why so many people are defending blizzard on it, it’s not normal no other MMO does this. Any other MMO I have ever personally played their maintenance is the exact time they say or less, any time on another game where I’ve ran into an issue like this they notified the players hours before. It’s ridiculous but I guess you can’t expect much from Blizzard who are paying most of their employees McDonald’s wages and working them to death.

Well, downtime has officially tripled.

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1pm lmao


ok no bull who broke what?? im just asking someone broke something

These posts of yours are the most hilarious Ive read all day. Please continue with your negativity and bitterness that Blizz is being called out for despicable practices…continue, next.

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what is the deal all this carp omg man tell 7 to 3pm bw eay lies to us

I think this is the third week in a row! I’ve been lucky and had to work but today I guess I hoped to play before work. Ah well! Vault will come later. If it’s up. :sweat_smile:

This reeks of incompetence.

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your so cool man, can we get another year long post about how you’re retired?

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And this is just a horrible take boasting about how your job is more important than others. Is it more of a necessity the things you just mentioned? Absolutely. We have people doing all of those jobs. So based on your take all athletes are unnecessary and unimportant?

you reek of bad

be other on Wednesday be down again for 2 hrs

Jelly much? lol, next.

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I am jealous, i wish i was retired, I’d go on vacation, but instead i’m here talking to you, taking up my time, if i were you i’d feel special, you get my 100% attention, not many people deserve me…

btw it has been extended to 1:00pm now trying not to laugh


that was 20 minutes ago my man, keep up.

Done with this dumbass game. I don’t have much time to play and it’s usually during the morning or midday so lately I spend more time waiting on servers to come up. Fck blizzard and fck this game.


I’ll unsub with you, ready? you first…

Lmao just pushed back another hour xD

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Whoa slow down. Every person is important! Esports and sports in general benefit society in no real way whatsoever. So yea in my opinion they are a waste of time and I do not partake in said activities one way or another. Play for the fun. But to get paid for said activities has always blown my mind.