Exploring Kalimdor Characters

Basically because he’s all to eager to deal with Jaina once and for all because she has killed too many Horde. Jaina “Peacelover” Proudmore who killed her own father to save the Horde back in Theramore. The same Jaina that even after her own city (Theramore) was nuked into oblivion by the Horde she was willing to work with them until that event with Blood Elves and the Divine Bell. Even then she only imprisoned them and killed those who resisted.
And now out of nowhere Rexxar thinks of her as a Bloodthirsty monster while he’s all happy working under Sylvanas that by all accounts has killed more horde people that the alliance at this point.
I was excited to quest with Rexxar but after that switch I was left with a bad taste on my mouth. That also happened with other characters like Voss, Garona, Gazlow and so on.


Why her? why not any of the other forsaken characters that couldve stepped on to the role? its exactly because of that she’s so problematic there was no need for that, hence i stand its not that shes a “bad” character inherently, its that blizzard made a bad call placing her there instead of someone else.

Why Talanji? Why Varian or Anduin? Why Zekhan? Why invent Thrall to be the new leader of the Horde(in Warcraft 3) when we already had these cool horde characters that were not being used?

See what I mean? At some point we have to be okay with them inventing and developing new characters, and some of them are going to end up in leadership positions. They might even become great characters one day.

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I’m honestly expecting one comment from Rexxar about how he never killed anything in say Un’Goro Crater and then an amended comment about how he killed a dinosaur or something.

I just think it would be funny, especially since I can see Zekhan going all 10th Doctor with a “what…what…what…”


Ah Rexxar. Mister “We shall purge these Kul Tiran scum from our lands!” while attacking a place the horde has never even seen before, let alone owned and settled. Guy was all over the place in BFA. You think they’ll cover his senility or whatever mental illness he is suffering in the book?


Apples to oranges, theyre not on the same situation and are actually examples of sucession done right since theyre monarchy and basically “in case of death break the glass” youre undermining your own point if you were claiming SOMEONE has to succeed somebody else randomly and we should be prepared and accepting of that…

edit: also you’re free to believe whatever you want, i wont debate this further since i thought you were asking because you couldnt understand not to begin something.

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The Horde is a monarchy and that’s how Thrall got control? News to me. I asked because I was curious. Your answer doesn’t actually fully explain why it’s okay with characters you like but not okay with characters you don’t like.

I’m not even saying she is a good character, I find her rather boring. I just don’t understand how you can complain about a character not having enough development, but then complain when they give that character development.

Maybe in time she’ll be developed enough to be a great leader of the Forsaken, maybe not? II am certainly not going to bash the writers for trying to actually develop a character through screen-time and story though.

Bruh they’ve had two expansions and two books to try to do something interesting with her and they haven’t.

If you go back far enough you’ll see I was initially quite open to Calia. But it’s been years and what little they have done with her has been both boring and pretty dumb.

At this point Sira was a more interesting character. You could replace every thought and line of dialog she has with a dog growling nothing about the narrative would change.

But at least she did stuff and had opinions. It’s not much but it’s better than stating the obvious politely. She reminds me of a companion character from a meh RPG who just points out there’s a tower nearby or that the fire elemental is immune to fire magic.


Consider how long they’ve been focusing on Anduin and Baine without developing them much at all. Calia’s looking at a solid 10-15 years.

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I mean hey I very much enjoyed Shaw and Lor’Themar’s respective date night short stories. But uh, probably could’ve used that time to flesh out some of these characters.

Yeah why would i want more screen time for a character i like vs a character i dont like? well i think i can speak for most people that yes i would in fact would like to see more of characters i like.

ill assume you’re asking seriously because for some reason from your questions is like you’re ignoring context when you’re analyzing the character, its like you’re just considering the character as one instance instead of being part of a narrative and that the narrative changes so there is a time to apply certain situations correctly to cause a desired effect, but of course if you describe it as you did it sounds quite insane and in contradiction when there is a clear difference of when certain tropes should be applied to have a desired effect because the narrative changes with time.

So yeah to answer, she didnt had enough development before, she had a chance to be something else maybe something better, now? nobody wants her so of course nobody is going to appreciate further development, what caused this? maybe her presentation, maybe being a lightforged undead, maybe apathy for the story (i bet it was after BtS) thing is it happened so yea we would rather they develop someone else now instead.

I swear to god. We all know by now that BFA was originally written to go down very differently and that Stormsong Valley was one of the zones that this was most visible in.

Do not blame Rexxar for Blizzard being too lazy to change his dialogue and the Horde questing in Stormsong Valley after they changed the invasion of Undercity to AFTER the burning of Teldrassil, the invasion of Brennadam to being by the Horde instead of the Quillboar, and took out whatever big strike Jaina was supposed to have against the Horde and replaced it with her showing up to be the third or fourth Deus Ex Machina to help the Alliance still fail to retake Lordaron.

Rexxar is a causality of BFA’s bad writing, not a cause, and I really hope this book goes someway to demonstrate that.


Agreed. I do like Rexxar but if this is going to be a new norm then I have to get ready to say goodbye to a good character ruined by Blizzard.
Because if this is an indication of future lore what’s next? Rexxar telling stories about how the mean night elves destroyed their own forests just so the orcs couldn’t get any lumber?

i would have to agree with this, bfa killed the lore, its apt we’re going to the shadowlands with all the necromancy blizzard had to do to push it from the corpse of bfa.


Ihe fact that Blizzard hasn’t mentioned it, means they haven’t even thought about it. The events in War of Thorns have clearly been superseded. It will remain, in game, what it was, and that won’t change until Blizzard wants to do something else with it. In which case it will become what they want it to be to fit whatever scheme they have.

In short, the only version that has any real existence is the pre-BfA version. And future version is like Schrodenger’s cat, it won’t exist until you see it.


I still got a problem with the horde having the alliance at their back door just so the night elf can have a 6th or 7th zone just for them…

At this point i hope that they just plit the zone in two ( the zone is big enough for that) and just regrow the west part so the night elf can take it and let the horde have the east part.

Unfortunately i already now that the only compromise will be the night having 100% and nothing else in this forum.

You already got Azshara so why should we give you Ashenvale too? The Horde started this war because they needed lumber. You were given a whole zone and what’s the first thing you do? Turn it into a scrap fest full of metal and waste. Too bad you guys can’t manage resources.

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OMG - Ashenvale is a contested zone! It always was a contested zone! It will always BE a contested zone! It shouldn’t belong to the Horde, it shouldn’t belong to the Alliance, it should not belong to the Orcs, and it even should not belong to the Night Elves.

The zone is specifically there to be fought over, and it will continue to be fought over for the life of the game!


Ugh i already knew that this would happen… As i said is seem that just haft of the zone isn’t enough even for a race that already have more than 5 zone…

First you aren’t giving us Ashenvale since it already our. Second, you just avoid the main point that was that Ashenvale is the horde capital city neighbourhood. So you want to know why should the horde have Ashenvale while we already have Azshara? Asking the question is answering it. It is for the exact same reason that we got Azshara.

As i said the night elf could still keep the west part of it. Demanding the whole zone while you already have Darshore, Mont hyjal, moon glade ( horde druid are just allowed their but it is still a night elf zone) Val’sharah and even Feralas could still be considering as a night elf zone, is just unreasonable. Only human and orc have as much zone. Night elf aren’t in place to demand more zone while many race barely have one zone.

I don’t think the zone being contested is a thing that should always be which is why it should just be split in two. The night elf can have the part that keep the name ‘‘ashenvale’’ while the horde get a renamed part that is close to Org.

As skirmish, the two side can still keep some battle in the middle of the two zone.

Seriously. Nobody got out of BFA unscathed. Nathanos is one of the weirder cases.

Book writing and animation take a long time. So I feel at some point there had to be a reason Nathanos was shown as being given pause by and feeling doubt in Sylvanas’s actions.

Seeing how in Dark Mirror his very first question after his upgrade is can this be done for the rest of the Forsaken- I figured maybe the snarling tough guy routine was just that - an act. Maybe he legitimately very much cared about his people and learning Sylvanas did not would be the breaking point.

But nah he was always ride or die for Sylvanas and apparently was always just a huge prick for no reason at all.