Exploring Kalimdor, any expectations?

So Exploring Kalimdor will be released this month and I’m rather curious on what reveals are expecting. I know it won’t be anything major but Exploring Eastern Kingdoms did show territory ownership upgrades, like with the Bloodfang Worgen having Shadowfang Keep and that Terenas Menethil had a grave at the buried at the Stormwind Harbor.

I know updates I’m expecting include:

  • The Botani claiming the Wailing Caverns.
  • The Saberon attempted to claim territories belonging to other natives such as the Harpies, Quilboar, etc…
  • A sense of the Horde is dealing with going from being lead by a Warchief to a council.
  • Rexxar and Zekhan being confronted by a night elf either from them entering Draenei territory, entering Ashenvale, or at the Ashenvale-Northern Barrens border.

1). Expecting to get the info about current situation in Ashenvale forest.
2). Expecting to get the info about how many Night Elves living in Feralas.
3). Expecting to get the info about how do Night Elves rebuild their cities in Darkshores.


What disappointed me most about Kalimdor was Felwood.
I had high expectations for Felwood from WC3.
Turns out it’s just a browning forest.


i hope we got a few new information…and don´t get disapointed again…on the other side, it would be the new normal…eh?

Expecting those questions to to be glazed over with bare minimum info if not outright dodged.


I think you overestimate how many Botani and Saberon came to Azeroth, unless there was new lore I missed.


Who will be the most offended by new info, night elf or horde fans?


I expect to be disappointed because I already was sort of disappointed by the Barrens preview stuff.

Night elf fans for sure, the Horde is used to dissapointment.


Excellent, since you are accustomed, then it will not bring you new sorrows. If it does, then it will be possible to forget about them, since no one groaned at the moment of their appearance.

Bad logic.

I’m both, and I’ll be angry no matter what.


I would laugh if after all this time the Night Elves reclaimed Darkshore and Ethriel’s bemoaning all these months will have been for nothing.

But, they already did. Didn’t she know that? Did she do the new quest “A New Hope” in Shadowlands?

We all tried to tell her that >.<

Yes, they did. And most of the Night Elf souls were also rescued from the Maw and Tyrande/Elune has hinted at plans that they are going to use the souls in some way to restore Teldrassil. The Night Elves should have more hope than most rn.

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It is best to remember the storyline of the book.

For “Exploring the Eastern Kingdoms”, the premise was that Shaw and Flynn were checking up/cataloguing all the important/powerful artifacts on the continent.

For “Exploring Kalimdor,” the premise is that Rexxar and Zekhan are traveling the continent to assess the status, needs, and whatnot of the horde peoples.

I would just take that into account when setting your expectations, particularly on Alliance stuff.


Granted we only saw a small number running off but Blizzard has tended to just use whatever numbers they want. For example the entire Bilgewater Cartel could fit on Gallywix’s boat, get smashed by the Alliance, and we’ve seen a fair amount of our goblin allies since then. More that seems could have fit on that boat… thus not everything is to scale.


I mean botani lore pretty much is that they don’t need large numbers because they are plant creatures right? They can easily make more botani


I expect more garbage “lore” watering down night elves such as telling us how they now allow humans and gnomes use their moonwells or how the Wild Gods don’t really deal with them unless the Legion is involved (because apparently Elune is all the night elves can ever have given how useless she has been) or that there are no druids reinforcing Ashenvale’s borders as they have to be neutral or some other BS


My guess is we’ll see stuff about the Alliance militarizing in Kalimdor if this is the case. Armed Night Elf camps and patrols, awoken ancients, maybe even enlisting the support of the Mountain Giants again. I won’t be surprised if the Lightforged Draenei will have established a strong force in northern Kalimdor and that the Vindicaar is flying around as a mobile fortress to deploy troops to defend and reinforce Night Elven settlements swiftly.

Basically, set-up for the next faction conflict.


Rexxar and Zekhan will see how sad and pathetic the Night Elves and Draenei are, living as refugees in fitlhy hovels, dying to common diseases and malnutrition, just to try and make the Horde feel even worse about the War of Thorns and the other genocide the Draenei suffered.

Because they love to write pure misery for Night Elves.

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What’s worse is that both the Army of the Light and the Night Elves were their own factions before joining the Alliance. This is the worf effect in action.