Exploiting is not okay

Blizzard changed the game mechanics so that players who group with a lvl 11 twink get less XP, so twinks decided to start cheating by using a macro to quit the party so their alts still get the xp, but can use the exploit. Yes, I said it, EXPLOIT. UNINTENDED.


Y’all really hate level 11 twinks for no reason. Leveling isn’t what it used to be and if you want to “practice your class” or “not play a W simulator” leave the group when you see an 11 twink or group with friends. You get quick and free leveling dungeons but complain lol


All 80’s should be banned cause that one guy got more renown than he was suppose to!

See, i can do it too


Ban for the exploit was fine.

Twinks themselves aren’t breaking any rules in general, though.


Gold medal in mental gymnastics right there


I guess anyone in OP gear should be banned then?

Terrible idea.


mmm no, actually, it takes longer with the lvl 11s. I just had one in my last group, took 15 mins because he had his alt on follow to a group member who went afk for 15 mins, and alt accidentally died so he had to revive his alt… it took WAY longer.

I can run boss to boss in timewalking, I must be exploiting!


Not all, let’s get that cleared up first.

Not all, there we go, fixed that for you.

Enough of the generalizations and I mean how many of these threads do we actually need? And no, I don’t play a level 11, well, I did today, then I hit 12, 13 14 etc etc.

Clearly a bot! banned

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correct, im talking about the exploit only. Why should someone using an exploit for a macro be allowed to do that?

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Off with their heads. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

They aren’t.

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“Lvl 11 twinks deserve to be banned”
Could’ve stopped there.

Only if you lack critical thinking skills.

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Naw, speedrunning twinks are fine.

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This guy is lowkey sharing how to exploit with an level 11 twink. Sharing exploits is bad right?

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I like running into 11 twinks for free and he does the whole dungeon for me under a few mins.


I have never seen one kill their alts nothing lasts long enough to endanger them and a alt on follow would never keep up with a normal lv 11 warrior twink because a properly built one has 45% move speed as defult before talents come into play

Does it really matter that much? Seriously, I got a fresh hunter to 70 in a little over 4 hours by questing. Leveling hasn’t meant anything in WoW for ages.