Explain to me this

So if do not do the tier8 content solo.

How do we achieve this ? Was this scaled higher so we don’t get this under solo.


Your question makes no sense.

If you’re asking “how can I get this if I’m not capable of soloing it?”, the answer is you don’t.

Improve your skills or get more gear, and the content will get easier over time.


Explain this

1 Tank: 2.5M
1 Tank + 1 DPS: 1M
2 Tanks + 1 DPS: 1.5M
2 Tanks: 1.5M
1 Tank + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 Healer: 2M
2 Healers: 1.3M
1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 DPS: 1.3M
2 DPS: 1M
1 Tank + 1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M


People have gotten it

Called a skill issue on your part


Really how so. Clearly it is a scaling issue for obvious reasons.

Show me how 1 player needs to have twice as much skill compared to 2 players.

Wait let me get my popcorn


No, it’s called tanks, healers, and DPS taking wildly different amounts of damage.

But its been done, multiple times

So clearly there isn’t an issue with it


He’s been solod many times

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You’re wrong, as it has been tested and confirmed.

Plunges Luuba’s head under water until they struggle and breathe no more.

That’s my explanation.


I agree these numbers barely make sense, but could you put some effort in to form a full, coherent thought, Luuba?

Not everyone is going to have read the article or the thread that posted it in GD.

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Wrong about him being killed?

Cuz he has been killed

Role changes everything.

That changes him being killed?

Cuz dps tanks and healers have killed him

How is this related to his scaling in groups vs solo ?

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It’s not meant to be easy, it’s a challenge. Despite that, people have already done it, so it isn’t impossible.

Keep gearing up and attempting, the season is nowhere close to being over - it only just started.

I provided you with a link showing the issue is scaling. If you choose not to read it, I really don’t care, but I’m done answering you, because you clearly don’t understand the point.

Well that would be because Blizzard nerfed scaling for groups the day Delves were released.

And judging by how it turned out, they nerfed it without testing it in comparison to solo.

Edit: As others have stated it can be done solo and has been done solo by most roles already. It is a matter of gear and player skill. Why should an ilvl590-600 be able to clear recommended ilvl640 content? That’s the actual issue.

It’s week 1 and everyone is still at best in heroic dungeon gear for the most part. I don’t know why people are expecting to easily solo them and get normal raid gear from the delve and heroic raid gear from the vault.

All this complaining is excessive. The delves will get easier when you get more gear. That’s how PvE content has worked every single expansion ever.

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There isn’t an issue considering all roles have done him

So good try?

Seems like Luuba has found his attention-seeking topic for the week.