Explain to me this

Don’t give him so much credit, he just hijacked another topic. It’s a legitimate concern, so he can hide his trolling easier.

What is the logic behind this.

Ask Blizzard, not me.

Probably because it was scaling too much in groups?

I mean bro, i bet you could make a delve group finder party if you really want to beat it. Ive soloed all my 8’s. You just have to go slowly.

It don’t get the achieve.

So then wait till you can solo it? Its just an achiv bro.

i did it on a 571 shaman, then with a rog on D8.

Why are you replying to me? I’m not complaining, I’ve solo’d my 8’s. I was just simply responding with the information as to why groups are pulling off stuff easier than solo.

Oh i replied to wrong person rofl. Apologies bro.

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Lol all good

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It appears there may be scaling issues for groups, yes.

But grouped content needs to be harder, solo content doesn’t need to be made easier.

You. Have. A. Skill. Issue. Friendo.

Second time I ask you. Explain this

Once done define skill vs scaling

I did T 7 today im gonna wait till i get more gear for 8

What was your lilevel


/10 char

Do up to Tier 11

Enter ?? Zekvir

Bring Luuba friend

Perhaps die anyway but easier yes

Perhaps not.

Much easier

Looks like you got your wish. And it was adjusted exactly how I expected it should be. Lmao.

Monkey paw’d!

Yes. Seems fair now

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Yeah I’m happy too. I think we miscommunicated before. GL HF!