Explain GDKP in detail

It has been there since vanilla

Strange. Never saw it until sod. I played on all of the free classic servers (for the most part)… Nostalrius, Darrowshire, Light’s Hope, the others I don’t remember the names of. Didn’t see it on Whitemane when it launched. Stopped playing retail a long time ago, though.

I have yet to hear of anyone getting banned just for participating in a GDKP :expressionless: So I wouldn’t go so far thinking this is a “policy”.

Didn’t take long to find one.


It’s a crappy system invented by the gold farmers to laundry their dirty gold. The system capitalizes on consumerism by putting a price tag on everything and encourage players to RMT so they can bid higher on items.

GDKP is a plague fed by greed that destroys the notion of guilds and performance/loyalty based loot systems by monetizes the social aspects of the game.

I can believe that there are good and bad actors involved with it. That they’re all good or bad? Not really.

the guy probably does RMT and is lying… is this your first day on the internet? :expressionless:

Convenient excuse. If you just assume every negative example is a lie, you could be lead to believe anything is ok.

Fairness is subjective. GDKP (a system that benefits established players as some guy called it) is fair to me. I don’t do participation medals.

Technically, the entire system runs on having more gold than someone else to win. Certain aspects of it are fair, and others are not. Not everyone has the same amount of gold, therefore it’s “unfair” in that respect.

As long as the gold is obtained in legit ways, then whoever has farmed more gold should get the item if they want to spend that much on it. Put in more work, get the reward.


Sure, just pointing on that “fair” used in this example is more than just black and white.

That’s what I’m saying, fair is subjective.

I don’t believe it’s something that can be subjective. It is or it isn’t. It’s either fair or unfair. People can have preferences for what they like, though.

what are you a communist :expressionless: one guy having more gold than you is not “unfair”

I don’t support GDKP’s any longer for a variety of reasons not worth getting into. The whole for and against GDKP argument is old and I don’t think anyone is really going to change their minds on it.

But if we’re being honest, they do offer some advantages:

(1) They are almost always smooth runs. The guys carrying are likely well geared and know the fights in and out. The incentive is to get in, get out, and get the bag. The raid leader is likely experienced, and it’s likely to be a lot more professional in its management

(2) It allows raiders enough gold to raid without having to buy gold themselves. The source of that gold is another issue entirely and is part of that whole argument that I don’t think is worth getting into. By the end of classic, GDKP’s were the only way I could afford raiding without personally resorting to RMT

(3) It encourages running older raids

(4) It eliminates loot council shenanigans, the main tank thinking he gets first dibs on all gear, etc. Sure, you can try and bid people up, but all in all it’s a very transparent process

Of course, the above doesn’t apply to every GDKP, and you can still run into a GDKP run by a dingus. However, the incentive is to run a good GDKP so you can obtain long term profits. I think GDKP’s should go, but there’s no denying that it offers some large advantages over the alternatives.

That’s a very simplistic way of looking at it. I agree that fairness is subjective, but there are far too many facets to this particular example that could label it wholly fair or unfair. Fair can be defined as one thing being equal to another in the eyes of both parties. Not having the same amount of money is not “fair”. It has nothing to do with what I think it should or shouldn’t be, or my political preferences.

But if we’re going to go there, do you consider yourself democrat? Because that would be ironic.

The details of fair are subjective, the concept of fair that people be able to participate on a relatively even basis is not.

So when items are going for what 10-20g in GDKP’s, how is that unfair when that is an amount easily acquirable by anyone.

We’ll just have to see how that part of it evolves over time.

  1. Buy gold.
  2. Buy gear with that gold.

The GDKP experience.