Explain GDKP in detail

What are the rules exactly? Why does it work? Why should anyone bother doing it? Sell it to people on the fence.


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GDKP runs, although they share a similar name to the Dragon Kill Points system that was previously popular among the player base, are relatively different. Since gold is a more readily accessible currency for PUGs than DKP, it’s become the standard currency used to bid on items.

Whenever an item drops for a group during a GDKP run, interested players in the group can bid on the loot with however much gold they want to spend on it. In turn, players who were outbid on the item (or are uninterested in it) get an even share of however much gold the winning player spent on the item.

For example, if Player A bids 1,000 gold on an item, and Player B bids 2,000 gold on the same item, Player B wins the item, but the other players in the raid (including Player A) each receive an even cut of the 2,000 gold that Player B spent on it.

Copied this from a website.

Why should anyone bother with it? If they have gold and want items… kinda like any raid, except you big instead of roll/reserve.

item drop
bid on item
most gold win item
gold enter pot
everyone get gold from pot at end of raid


So why do people ask for budget and why should anyone care if someone goes in with no money and can’t bid on stuff?

Ask the raid leaders.

Superior Warrior overlords (chads) fill raids full of inferior classes ie priests and paladins because someone has to heal and it ain’t gonna be them (because they’re chads)
They then use gold funneled into the game by their BBC (Big Brown Cohort) to pay off the lesser, inferior classes for wasting their time and having to stand in the same instance as them (yuck) and tossing some coin now and then to the mooks and serfs is charitable in the eyes of God
I won’t try to sell it to you because if you aren’t a Warrior (you aren’t) you just wouldn’t “get it” and most likely fall into the aforementioned mook and serf ilk


What if I post on my Warrior? Can I be cool chad then?

nobody gets to be a freeloader :expressionless:
either you bring gold
or you bring fat parses
what’s it gonna be, cupcake


Since you felt you had to ask instead of just doing it, most definitely not

So GDKP is just another reason for people to gatekeep dungeons and refuse access to other people? That’s not a very good selling point.


Only reason to bring a broke person is if they’re BiS and will carry undergeared buyers.
No gold = smaller pot. The point of GDKP as a raid leader is to make money.

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Again, why should it matter if they’re not going to bid on anything anyway?

If you’re anti-GDKP just be honest up front. :rofl:


if you don’t like it, make ur own dang group
it’s not like GDKP is hurting for players :expressionless:

I don’t really have an opinion on GDKP. I’m asking you to give me one. You’re not doing a very good job.

You don’t even believe that… everything you’ve said has shown your hostility towards it. Incredibly dismissive and negative.


Interesting perspective. I’m only reacting to what you’re telling me.

I know, it wasn’t hard to see all the negativity and dismissive attitude towards it.


I do find it odd that you’re incapable of explaining your opinion on it without attacking someone else, as if that is supposed to convince the people that don’t like GDKP to begin with that it’s a “good” thing.


Lol. Talk about an obvious :troll:

It’s been explained, you just don’t wanna hear it… you want people to come in attacking GDKP and you didn’t get that.

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