Explain GDKP in detail

I read everything you said. I questioned one part of it and you started crying about it.


Whatever helps you sleep at night :troll:


Strange, I was about to say the same thing to you.

So then how does a fresh 60 do anything when they have no gear and no money?

My problem with GDKP is that it creates a massive barrier-of-entry for new players. It’s very nice for players who’ve been 60 for a long time, have most of the gear they need, or have a massive wallet from playing for years.

But try getting into a GDKP when you are a 60, when even in preBiS is not enough gear.

If you don’t have gear or money, why aren’t you farming dungeons for gear so you can even be competitive in a raid? GDKPs are for people with gold to get gear or gear to make gold. It’s the whole purpose of it. It’s not creating a barrier of entry… those people wanting in without either are wasting their time.


ill make it simple

sod p1 is raid logging
a lot of raid loggers are full bis(i am not)
a lot of raid loggers still like to raid log
a lot of bis raid loggers carry gkps to also make gold.

Because about half the raid is simply there for the gold, these people are geared to the teeth (minus maybe one or two pieces that they will bid on) but the main purpose that they are there for is to get gold to fund their future endeavors (raid mats, alts, power leveling professions, etc…) this means the other half of the group has to be buyers, people that will bid on basically anything that they can use. I.E they are fresh level 25s in greens/quest blues.

the exact makeup of buyers to carries is an artform for skilled GDKP rail leaders to master as well as forming buyers who will actually bid against each other instead of a bunch of different classes hat will get everything for minimum bid.

So they care about your “Budget” because they want to know how much you are willing to drop on the fat piece of gear you want so they can better pit you against somebody who won’t blow you out of the water and maybe get you to go a few gold higher thus increasing their cut at the end of the run.

So they care if you are going in with no money and no gear because then what exactly are you bring to the raid?

i dunno :expressionless: how does a college graduate get a job when he has no experience? you find a way. things work out.

hmm yes, it truly is an exquisite combination of art and science :expressionless:

You go run MS/OS, Soft res, and other forms of raids getting gear until you are geared enough to call yourself a Carry.

Or you farm and do other creative gold earning things to earn enough gold to join as a buyer.


That makes sense. Though it appears to be different for every raid. I joined one just now on my Priest and someone asked me what my budget was, then I didn’t get an invite because apparently I was too poor for them. So I guess I understand if there are very specific groups setting these things up and not just another random pug that isn’t a pug because it’s GDKP and not your typical pug.

As I said before, even preBiS isn’t enough gear to join the raid GDKP’s, since literally everyone has T2.5 or T3 pieces are nobody will take even a preBiS’d person with no raid epics. Also, even most of the Strat/Scholo/DM runs happen to either be GDKP or you need to front 300g per run to have someone to tank it.

This *dramatically incentivizes buying gold, which is something I never want to do, but feel like I have no choice.

Well consider on top of normal raid composition (tanks, healers, having people with needed abilities for mechanics like kicks/dispels etc…) a GDKP ha to balance the CARRY/Buyer ratio, as well as the type of buyers. Which is why most good GDKP have signups and request nformation from players ahead of time instead of forming on the spot. I maximizes the cut everybody gets including the buyers.

Lol, another one?

If you don’t have the gear to carry or the gold to purchase, why are you applying for a GDKP? That sounds like applying for a Network Administrator position while working at mcdonalds with no outside experience… GDKPs aren’t for you. I don’t care what you THINK they incentivize… you have plenty of choices, run a raid or join a raid, plenty of them available and don’t say it’s impossible to get a group going either, me and my friends (3 people) have done it several times, in the morning and build the groups pretty quickly.

You are not entitled to a raid spot :expressionless:

You are not entitled to good items :expressionless:

You’re not even entitled to have fun :expressionless:

It allows people who buy gold to P2W. It is RMT, so make sure to report anyone you see advertising a GDKP run. All players who engage in RMT should be banned ASAP, and permanently.


I’m not applying to them anymore after finding out how restrictive they are. My comments in here are to point out why this system is terrible unless you are already rich or geared.

And since GDKP is becoming more and more prevalent, it’s becoming incredibly hard to find non-GDKP groups. This makes WoW fun/profitable for the well established players, but the WoW experience is somewhat ruined for a player who is new to a server… often leading them to just get to 60 and then quit the game.

and that’s totally fine. end game is not for everyone

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