Explain GDKP in detail

Well yea, that’s the point of them… it’s never been about gear fresh players.

I don’t know what server you are on, but I constantly find regular groups. My friends and myself put group together all the time.

This isn’t era… this is SoD.

It is easy to be a fresh 25… find a group.

So what happens if an item drops that nobody wants? Who does it go to?

Not for everyone… anymore. It used to be far less restrictive and with older systems like DKP and Loot Council would often allow people with just dungeon blues to join raids.

WoW endgame used to be for nearly everyone, if they wanted to do it. If anyone wonders why WoW has been getting worse and worse (“dying” some might say) is because of how unecessarily restrictive elite (not necessarily good) players are when it comes to endgame. And GDKP just bring that concept to a new level.

So my whole point coming to this thread it just to point out how GDKP is a terrible system if you want new players to stay (or if you want rmt/gold buying to stop). Otherwise, people can enjoy a shrinking userbase.


Do you have to prove you have gold?

I’m speaking more generally about GDKP, which is what this post is about, despite being in the SoD forum.

Look I get your frustration, but this is the SoD forums and I could not care less about anything that would happen in era. So I’m only going to address the SoD side of things… there is no issue finding groups in SoD, GDKP or not.

Why are you incapable of forming your own opinion? The basic rules were explained to you.

If you don’t like them don’t do them. Obviously there’s a lot of people who do like them.

For real though, this system seems like a ninja looters wet dream. Would definitely have to be super careful about who you let lead your raid, but even if you join a discord or something of a bunch of like-minded GDKP’ers, you can never completely guarantee someone won’t just run off with a raid worth of loot.

Because I haven’t done a GDKP until now and I was asking for people to explain the rules to me. I can’t have an opinion if I don’t even know how it works.

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/shrug the same applies to any raid.

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Except it usually only happens to one item, not 16.

And if you wanted to be exceptionally nefarious, you would roll an epic first and have everyone give you the money before you bounce.

They would run away with all of the raids loot and gain no gold. They could vendor the gear for like 20s a piece I guess? GDKP’s run in a way that it would almost make this never happen.

It goes to the “Floor” and is disenchanted. The Floor is bid on at the end of the run, it is all the BoE’s that dropped plus shards.

/shrug if they don’t distribute loot there’s no pot. So that virtually would never happen. The worst they can do is walk away with the pot. Which is once again no worse than wasting a lockout in a non GDKP raid.

Well like in the example that one guy offered, someone bids 2000g for a epic, they trade it because the leader doesn’t really want it, then bounces with 2000g and 15 items.

Which is once again no different than a raid leader in a non GDKP ruin doing the same. You’ve wasted your lockout and that’s that.

I think you’re missing an important point here, though. Most raids don’t loot all items and distribute them at the end. A lot of people roll each boss individually.

And a lot of GDKP’s auction after every boss /shrug

You are right you have to be careful who you have run gdkp raids, and it is best that trusted people who constantly run them and have a good reputation be the leader in order to make sure you don’t get scammed.

What happens if they scam you and don’t distribute the gold? Well as long as the GDKP rules were said in text chat, you can get the raid leader in trouble for scamming as long as everybody reports him for scamming. Not sure how Blizzard would handle it in terms of gold/items but he would suffer account penalties.

He would also be blacklisted by a wide variety of guilds and not be welcome in the GDKP community anymore. So not really worth burning all your bridges just to get some gold.

That may be true. I don’t have much experience with it like I said. This raid wants to do it at the end.

There’s no strong preference one way or the other from what I’ve seen just like in non GDKP raids.