Experimental stuff

Having fun with this experimental stuff though. We should try some of this in Warcraft for reals though. Pandaria Remix feels like an almost perfect fit for the modern WoW leveling experience. Imagine them doing it depending on which part of time you want to play?

Weird Fortnight was strange, but I could see it working for PvP content.

Fixed it because I was grumbling. Let’s turn this into something positive.

Ok thanks for letting us know


You are most welcome.

Then pay for the early access and get beta as a bonus

If people want to pay for it, then that’s fine; they shouldn’t be shamed for it. It’s their money lol.

This isn’t new, they also sold beta access for Mists of Pandaria.

on one hand im very happy that beta access wont be entirely rng anymore.

Oh I agree. I totally agree with you. I’m not mad at you guys or anything.

This has nothing to do with you guys. I’ve known tons of you for at least a decade now.

I’m just griping to gripe.

I’m gonna go play on my Dragon Person.

I see the 3 day early access to TWW as far more egregious. But I can see why even the beta access feels a little unfair.

Cool story. Your feedback was what I was waiting for to buy the expansion.

Ah wait no already bought it and beta access. Your loss.


People have a right and free will to do whatever they want to do with their money, this is fact.

But there is a under lying problem with incentivizing a company like blizzard however.

It incentives blizzard to give unfair advantages to people who have a lot of money to spend on things like a head start and or beta access where they can figure out the most optimal way to power level.

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The ability to look around for 3 days, or maybe level up an alt, is not ‘egregious’. It’s trivial.

  1. They sold beta access to Mists of Pandaria years ago and it didn’t overturn the apple cart.
  2. Beta will be around for a while and everyone will have access by the end. We go through this every beta cycle.

Paying blizzard to have more time to get to max and get heroically geared before people have even started. To work on your professions, and yes to have other alts is egregious to me. You are paying for a leg up in the race, which inherently creates a mismatched playing field.

I seem to recall i signed up for legion access and didnt get in.

I remember signing up for bfa access and… i think i got in.

I signed up for shadowlands access and i didnt get in.

Its hit or miss, oh i got in in dragonflight.

You can get to max level in an afternoon when the expansion launches, three days to do it is completely beside the point.

You mean Heroic dungeons?

I mean… I guess. Don’t you just walk into Mythics after hitting max level? That’s what everyone I know does. And Mythic dungeons won’t be available during the early access window.

Oh I’m quite sure they’ll disable professions.


You’re not. And besides, what “race”? WHAT DO YOU DO IN WOW that has you in a “race” against other people? I raid Cutting Edge every season, I don’t care about the 3 day early access, and neither does any other CE raider I know. It’s irrelevant; all the important stuff is deactivated during early access.

Heck, the first TWO WEEKS of the expansion (before season 1 starts) is largely downtime; there’s very little to do. Three days with even LESS stuff to do? Come on.


Everyone should be in by the end, just keep checking the launcher.

People must have told you a billion times; stop exaggerating


OMG that’s brilliant, I’m tearing up, here. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Its true.

I was thinking earlier the advantages to having a head start. I cant think of it.

Ff14 is doing a week head start i believe, and there is nothing to do except dungeons, story… thats it.

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