Experimental stuff

I bought the epic edition, yet it is a direction I do not want to see wow go. Giving advantages because of money spent. I don’t care if you do not think it is egregious or even anything at all. Because I find the idea of it terrible, I will speak out about it. I believe that the opening of an expansion should have a level playing ground for everyone that pays a sub to the game.

Do you not think that it will be harder for people to get into mythics.

When half the player base has better gear than you. And they can be picky because players are fully heroic geared.

In the end I’m against the principle of a sub paying game giving early access if you spend more money. And I’ve argued with people before, but I hold true to the belief that this is a bad system for the game.

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No worries, at the speed that they just blasted through Alpha, it’s pretty safe to say this expansion is going to be a hot mess lol.

Oh you pug.

Well, don’t pug. Problem solved.

Everyone who pugs will run into this at the beginning.

And yes, it will even out. Pretty quickly I’d imagine. But it hurts the games reception when this happens at the beginning. It is also just not a good direction to take the game.

I’m sure you will get to argue with a lot more people when it launches though.

Thats happening to me right now. Most players are 510 ilevel + and my dh is 495. I can barely get into 2, much less 4s or 5s. So im forced to make my own groups.

Then don’t pug. Pugging is a choice.

Has Blizzard said that beta and early access comes with pre-purchasing, or is that just a guess?

I fixed it and got rid of the grumbling parts.

Dunno about the beta access but yes, if you pre-purchase TWW you get a 3 day early access to the game.


Yeah, Beta included if you purchased Epic Edition.

I don’t think it would work as a leveling path in the game. There wouldn’t be enough players to do any of the instanced content.