Dear recruiter,
I am veteran World of Warcraft player seeking a new and long-term home for Shadowlands and beyond. I have enjoyed the game across the very competitive and casual game-scapes for the duration of the game, and at my ripe old age, with professional, familial, and academic responsibilities, find myself seeking a guild to suit my needs. Given said needs my interests are quite niche, and are as follows:
What I am Seeking:
Ideally, I am seeking a Heroic/AOTC guild that efficiently sees a raid tier, completes glory achieves, and then focuses on Mythic+. I want to see content, but given my other commitments, I am no longer craving mythic content like I once felt was needed.
Raid commitments must be between 6:30 and 9:30 Central time. I can make almost any day work with adequate planning, but have a preference for Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
A group that enjoys playing together, getting to know each other, and striving for similar goals, be that raid, M+, PvP, collections, mogs, or just socializing, is important to me.
I would prefer to tank, but I am open to a healing. I am not at all interested in anything but a full-time raid spot.
What I can Offer:
I bring a great deal of in-game experience, highly reliable attendance, consistent performance, and a performance driven attitude that is susceptible to wiser counsel on means to improve. I have been the front man for many guilds over the years, and I am accustomed to taking the high risk/high error prone jobs.
At this time, I am reviewing interested parties for potential fits. My contact details are below. Please leave a response here, or contact me via discord for ease.
Discord: Lethander#1779
Btag: ira#11506