Experienced/returning h dh lf mythic prog guild

Hi all.

I am a Havoc DH experienced in all of legion / Uldir (mythic) looking for a home for Mythic EP progression. Please refer to my logs for validity. Currently on Sargeras, but am willing to server transfer for the right fit. PRE DH/Legion I had been raiding since BC, played Hunter.

Check all of legion and Uldir. (mythic) - MattyDH-Sargeras on Wlogs

I always strive to min / max and am always researching my class to perform great in mythics. As for my personality, I am very laid back and promote zero drama at least on my end. As for wiping and progression, I don’t tilt and actually welcome wiping as it allows the guild to learn in the end.

As for offdays, I focus on M+ and try to farm M+ score as high as possible. (due to gearing up and what not) please don’t hesitate to check my past M+ scores.

Ideally I would like a guild that raids approximately 8-11 P.M. Pacific time (7:30-10:30 minimum) or 5-6 A.M. Start time, ending @ 8 A.M. (Willing to look at early morning guilds)

3 days preferrably

Please don’t hesitate to add me on bnet for a chat. (matty#1515)

Hey there, Validus is an Alliance guild on the US - Sargeras server and we are currently recruiting members to strengthen our roster for 8.2. This tier we achieved 6/9M and are looking to do even better on the next tier. We raid on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Sundays 9:15 Central to 11:15 Central. If you think we would be a good fit for you, let me know. Message me on bnet, dcf94#1533.