I’ve got some experience killing hardmode and mythic end bosses. drop a note if your raid/dungeon team is looking for more people.
If your looking for a more hardcore but friendly enviroment guild Fatal Visions Might be a good home for you! We plan on trying to push to 60 the first week and are having fun preplanning the adventure. Feel free to join our discord and check us its in the forum post. We are planning to raid tuesday 9pm-12am PST eventually thursdays 9pm-12am will be the 2nd raid day as the raids get longer (AQ)
Yo man! If you’re interested in rolling alliance, check us out. Here’s a link to our recruitment post for some info about us.
My discord tag is: whiskeyfist187#6605
Hit me up there with any questions!
Hey there!
Discord: RavenWebb#9612
Semi Hardcore guild with most members having experience in AQ40 / Naxx.
Let me know if you’re interested.
if your interested in a Semi Hardcore guild thats planning to raid twice a week on the alliance side get a hold of me on discord at Tmac#7095. we are going to be on a PvE server as well.
Eminence [H][NA] is selectively recruiting a few more players to fill out our roster going into Classic Launch! We are a hardcore PvE guild led and made up predominantly of veteran high-level cutting edge raiders from retail and pservers. During progression we raid Tues/Wed/Sun 6-9:30PM PST. We use an EPGP based loot-council that rewards raiders fairly based on attendance, performance, and other positive qualities. We are a hardcore min-maxing guild and are recruiting those of a similar mindset. We are working towards a 2nd week MC clear and most of the roster has 1-2 weeks or longer booked off to achieve this. To apply or learn more add: Redrick#9438, Wex#1340, or Ghadius#9757.