Experience Eliminator Exploit / Bug Abuse

Author is just mad, we farm these exploiters 24/7

Please fix this. Was just in a bg on my Druid where we faced an Alliance group who had a priest and warlock that were doing this and they completely murdered us. (I dont know if the others were, I only got killed by the priest and warlock) The BG lasted maybe 2-3 minutes.

We LITERALLY were being one shot. It wasn’t “they were teaming up and it looked like a one shot.” No. They were one shotting us with Chaos Bolt and Mind Blast.

And Immolate from their destruction Warlock would tick for 1/4th of our health, Shadow Word: Pain from their Priest for more.

To give you an idea, here’s the scoreboard: (ALL names removed to avoid any potential rule breaking)

While leveling my kul tiran druid a while back, we ended up in a Twin Peaks where my team has 11 people and the Horde only had 9, which I assume was also caused by this exploit.


Not fixed
Blizzard ???


So is Blizzard going to do anything about this or not? The longer it continues the more people that use it and it’s getting to be a joke again.


Lol its officially a month since Blizzard hasn’t fixed this and it has been getting massive reports. I know this from first person perspective. Everyone in BG’s does daily reports against the players that use this exploit. They have gotten no punishment. What must happened for blizzard to prioritize this?

If the bug can’t be patched in a reasonable time frame, why aren’t the players being dealt with directly? Do we really have to wait for patch day before BGs return to being fair again?

Or, can we get an official post stating that this method of entering XP on BGs with XP off is acceptable, so that everyone may do so, thus removing any unfair advantage.

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I know this thread is a little stale but can we get a blue reply to this issue? I ran into so many xp-off twinks today in xp-on battlegrounds I can’t even tell you how disheartening it was. I spoke to one of them and he explained to me how it is done and it seems to me like the dictionary definition of an exploit and needs to be closed up asap.

Not on the Bug Reports forums. QA usually doesn’t say anything unless they have more questions.

Where should we start raising a stink? I generally don’t use these forums.

Blizzard doesn’t like people posting exploits and how to do them on the forums. But if you have to, post on General Discussion or one of the PvP forums. Won’t guarantee a blue response, but at least it will be seen by the right people.

This is the place to post about it, anywhere else and you’ll just be redirected back to here. Thundertotem just likes to post pointless, misleading replies like some kind of self appointed mouth piece for Blizzard’s inner circle.

The simple fact that this hasn’t been patched or even properly addressed yet merely highlights Blizzard’s lack of concern for the ‘BG levelling experience’. Which in turns begs the question of why XP on/off was separated at all!? It’s effectively exacerbated the issue as now there’s mismatched group counts to contend with and the only players to stand on par (stat-wise) with cheating players, are other cheating players…

I see level 20 twinks in bgs with higher enchants than that on every slot. They are not leveling. You are wrong here, or there is yet another exploit going on.

Don’t forget the 110 exploit where a character goes to BfA, does all the quests and lots of IE’s, gets 3 pieces of 300 ilvl azerite gear and a 40+ heart and then transfers the character to an unconnected Legion account to queue as xp on. I’ve seen ilvls as high as 274, when solo leveling players have ilvls of 150-180 and geared Legion players 200-230.

Then they form premades. The 110 bracket has been wrecked by this exploit, which explicitly violates the terms clause that players may not transfer a character to an earlier expansion.

These exploits have been discussed at length in both the GD and bgs forums.

A few months prior to removal of twinks from bg queues a blue announced that they were going to be ending xp off for 110+ characters, because people were choosing to twink rather than level up to 120 and play the game right. There was a huge outcry on the forums, and within hours they posted that they would consider how else to deal with the “problem”.

Well, this is how they decided to deal with it.

You hear players discussing in bgs all the time how to do this and get away with it. The problem will only get worse.

Neither of these are bugs being exploited… They’re working exactly as intended.

I can see that the level 20 one might not be considered an exploit. It is borderline.

But the idea that despite a clause in the terms that players may not transfer a character from a later expansion to an earlier one, that they intended obviously twinked players to form premades to destroy the bracket is self-serving. I hope you all get banned like the guy who started several threads complaining in GD did.

It’s not a case of might not, they simply are not…

Unsubbed accounts can access the game up to level 20.

Subbed non BFA-expansion accounts can access the game up to 110.

Both services available to every single player within ToS and EULA.

Edits for poor grammar…

And transferring a fully twinked out character to a non-BfA account while pretending you’re not doing it to wreck the bracket is deception on your part.

You broke the brackets. They are now unplayable thanks to your need to have 100+ ilevels more than players who belong in that bracket to farm them and destroy that bracket.

The only consideration for who wins is which team has more twinks.

Gratz. You got away with wrecking PvP for lots of players who will probably never do it again, all to stroke your own ego.

How did you get these Enchants?
Just saw you in a 5 man Premade LMAO, consumables and all.

OP main. Enjoy

Are you kidding? it’s actually disgusting how much XP you get even for a loss.

I don’t play 110 so I can’t make any informed comments on the subject of imbalance. I would however ask how it’s breaking the ToS? The game changes so often that something perfectly acceptable one day, is suddenly game breaking the next? 110 was the cap until only recently and many players aren’t enjoying BFA. At the end of the day they’re subs Blizzard wouldn’t otherwise have.

If geared opponents are an issue for you, perhaps get some gear yourself? or just level out…

Let’s not confuse experience you earn with the experience you have.