Experience Eliminated & potential griefing/abuse

So should selling last boss kills and raid mounts be allowed?

Lol I don’t utilize this fun gimick but these kind of nerfs keeps me from logging on.

There is a difference, leveling is something easy that everyone can do.

Heroic/Mythic Kills and high mythic+ keys are something not everyone can do.

Twinks are predatory where the amount of time they save is very minuscule and a scam. When the player can do the leveling on their own.

Ahh gotcha, incursions. Wasn’t thinking about those.

Makes sense. Not sure why those twinks would group though without charging for it lol, seems to be against their intentions.

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Sorry bud, you can’t really have double standards on this one.

In all honesty, the fact that levelling is easy and something anyone can do should realistically make more OK than purchasing something that you are unable to do by yourself.


I am saying there is a clear difference. Not everyone can clear Heroic or Mythic raids. (And if you look at the LFR crowd they have a hard time to LOL) Or high keystones.

EVERYONE can level.

I’m wondering who thinks up this stuff?

Yes, everyone CAN level. People dont want to repeat the same quests over and over and want to get something tedious over quickly

There is a clear difference, but I would argue that allowing people to purchase services they wouldn’t be able to attain without said purchasing is more detrimental than purchasing a service which simply reduces the time they take to perform a task they are already doing.

That person is still eventually going to hit 120 without people selling a service. Getting CE or AotC or Jaina mount etc. Without that service they ain’t gonna get that. So why should they get it just because they have money to spare?

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Just going to echo this:

So TLDR; fun detected, fun removed.

I had my paladin boosted through freehold runs by paying a guild member a bit of gold, while leveling was quick i did pay for it.

This change is blizzards way of removing player assisted boosting and leveraging their boosting option for players less than 110 (though I highly suspect 120 blizzard boosts are coming soon). Leveling is grueling, time consuming (and feels like a waste post 120), and for all except those who don’t mind pointless time spent pre 120 a waste of time before getting to experience the the real game which is end game WoW. I understand this is blizzard’s game but how many anti player friendly changes do you plan to make? Do you really want everyone to despise what retail wow’s become this much?

This wouldn’t be such a problem if end game was better, leveling was better and quicker, or both. This isn’t a problem because it requires cooperation and community involvement despite gold changing hands in game. This wouldn’t be a problem if blizzard didn’t have their own overpriced boosting option available.

A boost to 110 is $60 USD which is as much as a brand new video game for most home systems. If a fair à la carte option existed for single levels or 10 levels maybe their current business model wouldn’t be so despised, but in it’s current iteration feels unrewarding to level and overpriced to boost. Blizzard is creating the problem then selling us the solution.


Which is why Blizzard seriously needs to increase exp gains, add an armory system like FFXIV where when you have a max character you gain 100% increased exp until the beginning of the expansions content, in this 110, where it then is increased at only 50%.

And thats the beauty of the armory and raiderio, you can see if they just cleared 1 heroic boss like jaina and its 99% likely they they bought a service (or in the 1% case they had a friend or something like the Friendship bird from Antorus or their guild needed them to swap classes). You can easily deduce if it was likely they got carried or not.

I would imagine the buff is party-wide and not instance-group wide.

They’re two different things, and I think a lot of people forget that.

If that’s not how it’s working on the PTR, I imagine that’s the intent and will be fixed.

AKA, if you queue with someone who is EXP-Off, you get penalized, but if you randomly get queued into the Island/Dungeon with them, you aren’t.

It’d explain why we are only seeing it this far into the PTR, despite the fact it’s been on the PTR the entire time.

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Unless it’s a recent change. Or not enough people actually testing stuff on ptr.

dk,it said party which is 5 players so if it were an instance or dungeon or WQ it would apply.

It doesn’t matter though. They shouldn’t be achieving it.

That is far worse than paying for a level boost in my opinion.

The difference between party and instance is Party is something you create. Instance is something you queue into.

You can be in both a party and an instance group simultaneously. Hence why you have to type /i to talk to a group inside of a dungeon. If you’re still in a party while you join a random battleground or LFG dungeon, you can type /p to talk to your party.

AKA they have a way to penalize people who queue WITH the people who turned off EXP, without penalizing the people who randomly queued into their instance group, by applying the buff to that person’s party, not instance group.

As I said, if that’s not how it’s working on the PTR, I imagine that’s how it’s intended to work, and probably will be fixed.

Even Blizzard aren’t that dumb to make something so easily exploitable and griefable.


People have been doing the runs for a very long time, someone has alot of gold and can’t do a high end content they pay for it. (then you have the worst of the worst RMT’s selling it).

If they have the achievement it means little where people look for IO scores and the WoW armory to see how many boss clears there is.

People assume it’s only party and not instance but I can’t see anyone that actually tested it.

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We’ll see ,because it don’t look like they are seeing the whole picture ,like most they do.