Experience Eliminated & potential griefing/abuse

personally, i’m not sure what would bother me more, people with attitude (which is common on these forums), or those who go out of their way to make baseless accusations and complain about false things at Blizzard without having any proof to if it’s true or not, regardless of the fact that the proof is available for everyone to see for themselves, but instead rather choose to believe the false accusations and hop on the bandwagon to complain.

Worse part is even if the OP is made aware of the proof of the contrary, chooses to leave the original post unedited, undeleted, or whatever, to allow others to continue to hop on the false accusation/complain bandwagon and contribute to the spreading of something that isn’t true.

…and you ask why those like me have an attitude.

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giggles I love you. :blue_heart:

If only 911 would agree. :kissing_heart:

Another horrible idea that someone with no idea how the game actually works made. gg


Not wrong.

I’m assuming like twinks in Legion people are doing paid levelling services using stupidly geared lower level characters.

To stop this occurring if someone (ie the level running twink) has XP off, it nerfs the XP for everyone else.
It essentially stops them from being able to sell the proposed service, otherwise they have to keep XP on and will of course continue to level.

But essentially it means anyone who wants to grief can turn XP off and reduce everyone’s XP gains.

I understand now. It’s always been something that has been discouraged since 7.3.5 that has been evident players at max boosting leveling alts through content is not what is desired. Someone mentioned the exp off buff earlier but I didn’t quite know what the nerf was until your post explained it.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s too terrible.
They are fixing a niche problem by introducing another niche problem.

But in the process they are at least reducing the potential to gain from the abuse.

I see islands being the biggest issue in this as people can realistically twink for legitimate reasons to grind the mounts etc instead of having to gear up at max level (and potentially have the difficulty increased with each ilvl upgrade patch).

blizz should remove legacy raid gear too when higher level players enter. They will get a debuff that says “unable to receive gear drops”

but seriously, dont they have more stuff in 8.2 to fix than something pretty niche??? I read the 8.2 patch notes and i see alot of people asking for sensible stuff that blizz isnt gonna add in.


Priorities you know, gotta fix fun dont gotta fix the game


Oh good, another unnecessary change.


Not if that buff is correct. You would have to party with them first before going into an islands queue. And its on you to see that buff pop up. People joining the queue individually wouldn’t ever be affected as they’re not partied.

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This affects the very popular experience gain method of Freehold boosting, where a level 110 Demon Hunter with the right gear and legendaries is able to boost someone from level 110 to 120 in just 2 hours.

That seems like a problem that needed to be fixed, yes.

Isn’t instance also a party though? I wanted to test it out but need at least 3 others to get on the ptr

No it isn’t. You’ll notice you get a message when you join a larger instance while in a party. It tells you how you can communicate with party members separately to the entire raid. That initial party is still intact as a unit. And when you leave the instance group you are still in the party.

couldn’t agree more. I have a several alts I could be leveling but don’t feel like gutting it out in IE or otherwise. People that have friends who are twinks or are paying gold for boosts doesn’t hurt me. Gear is so easy to catch up what does it matter if someone powerlevels to 120 and beats me there? Blizz allows gold for other in game activities too so I don’t get it.

Okayyyy dude. sorry people are having fun

I really do hope this is a joke.

101 and 110 twinks have been the only reason I had still logged in for a while in Legion and BFA. As there is no other content to do and Island grinding is all that’s left. It seems silly take away the fun of someone else trying to get gold and even mounts for Islands. I understand you can still farm them, but it was a great way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. As I run islands on 3 accounts, boosting 2 of them, so I can level and farm. I also use it to help boost noobs to 120 who have limited time and what would have taken them 2-3 weeks now had been done in a few hours. It just seems more like a way for blizzard to control the leveling experience and/or push the 120 boost that’ll inevitably be coming soon enough. Just like how they hold back BoA upgrades every xpack to the point that most people who level alts have already leveled their 12 classes to the max. I really hope enough people complain about this one and they completely revert the idea. Even outside of the 110 twinks, I also play on 70 twinks and it’s quite fun to just join random dungeons. I blow peoples minds with how much damage I’m doing and how much faster it was. Almost always I get an invite to a group after to re queue with them.

PS I still play WoW but only the collection game of it. ( Collecting mounts, pets, toys, and achievements ) That’s why I really don’t want them to make this change. As it would only triple the played time to get my alts where they need to be.


If that is the case then it is a non-issue, the issue was fixed without causing any further issues. Seems like a good solution if that is the case.

I think technically groups through LFG count only as your “instance group” not your party.
Hence how you can use party chat in LFG to talk only to the other members in your premade.

It’s like they still don’t know what to do with 110 twinks.

Scaling is a terrible system with legendaries that make them too strong.
They should disable legendaries like old tier sets.

Trying to nerf around the main issues/not make twink participate in content isn’t the solution.

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Twinks should never have been a thing, be it random battlegrounds that they destroyed the fun in leveling in them to many other things. Good riddance I say.

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