Expect an incredibly rushed WOTLK launch timeline

He’s always struck me as the personification of the WoW guy from South Park. He has to live through the internet with fake achievements and acting holier-than-thou because he has nothing else.

Right – ad hominem number 1, I’ll consider that a concession of that point.

“Please, won’t you think of the children!”

Right, that’s the world you live in where you feel entitled to Blizzard’s internal development plans – the reality is, you’re not entitled to them.

Plans changing =/= a lie. Things come up that can change original plans, Piezuri. What happened to your call for empathy?

Empathy for everyone, except Blizzard?

because of choices YOU made. Again, the pre-patch length isn’t going to be personally tailored around whatever niche goals you have. The game content development cycle does not revolve around you alone, Piezuri.

Imagine thinking that empathy should extend to large corporations while showing little to none for individuals.


How is the beta an absolute disaster? I’ve been playing quite extensively for the past week and have found zero bugs or issues

Yeah its very odd. He used to make wild comments about the Classic server I played on, but if you pressed him about any single guild or accomplishment on the server he would never respond.

just an oddball i guess.

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You must not PvP. Seasons were so short that even at high rating you couldn’t get all your gear

hmm i do not PvP sucks couldnt get a full set in the current season not sure how long phases should last with PvPers in mind

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